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  1. RedBrush Farm

    Gave lamb shot and immediate paralysis????? HELP

    I gave my lamb with the bloody stool a shot IM in the hind leg and immediately both back legs went out? Will he be ok???? What should I do..... Ive given animals shots many many times and never had this happen....
  2. RedBrush Farm

    orphan lamb need help - blood

    lamb is from a ewe with no milk. tried to graft to one of my ewes with new lamb. she let lamb stay with her, but not nurse. i feed lamb colestrum for 2 days. switched to ewe replacer yesterday. lamb does not like it. this morning had some bright yellow runny poop - some on tail and legs. ate...
  3. RedBrush Farm

    Bummer lamb question??

    A friend had a ewe have a lamb yesterday 5am. and she had no milk. I took him and gave colostrum etc. as I had read. ( I've never raised one) My question is..... I had a ewe who gave birth to twins a little over a week ago and she left one in the field and I didn't find it in time. She has tons...
  4. RedBrush Farm

    Greetings from Southeast Missouri

    Hi everyone!! My name is Billie and my husband is Mark. We have a 12 acre sheep farm in Southeat Missouri near the Mississippi River. We have only been raising sheep for a year and still have so much to learn:) It was really a blessing to find Backyardherds. There is so much information here. It...
  5. RedBrush Farm

    This weeks new twins!

    With all the problems with Mrs. Kay, I forget to report that I did have 2 sets of healthy lambs this week! Both are first time moms:) one little girl and three little boys! Of course they waited until the temps are in the single digits and ice is on the ground:)) just glad they are healthy and...
  6. RedBrush Farm

    Help needed ASAP

    Sheep went into labor sat. Water bag ruptured.... No presentation at all. Called vet. Had me give shot to go into labor. Every time I checked, she was not dilating. Vet did not want to do c-section. Gave more shots yesterday and told us to check for dilation and if she did, go in and try to pull...
  7. RedBrush Farm

    Hair Sheep loosing hair down to bare skin???

    I posted a couple of weeks ago about a sheep with the bloat. I took her to the vet and he said it was "grain poisioning" - Well, he told me to get her up every couple of hours and give her shots of vit. B and and antibiotic. Also gave probiotic and med that worked like pepto bysmol. She has made...
  8. RedBrush Farm

    4 mo old lamb died now ewe sick

    Lamb appeared healthy until yesterday. All day stood around, slightly hunched and ears back. Would not eat or drink. Gave baking soda water as that was what I was told to give for stomach. He was dead this morning. After moving him out, noticed his mom is acting the same way. Will not eat or...