chicken care

  1. Wild Bug Ranch

    IMPORTANT!!!!!! What's wrong with my rooster?

    Hey ya'll this morning I let my chickens out and then went to do my goats(the chickens take a while to come out), so after I was done with the goats, I went to go check on the chickens to make sure everyone was ok. So I found my rooster on the floor of the run standing up but his head down on...
  2. Kyle Kroeck

    Chicken Cannibalism

    So about a month ago, we ordered 40 red ranger chicks, along with 30 jersey giants and 20 lavender Orpingtons. All was well, until we realized that our red ranger chicks were growing INSANELY fast, and also not really turning red. They ended up turning white, and kept growing and growing. Now...
  3. Laya1999

    My polish and silkie show bantams

    Hey guys its me again. I have a black bantam polish named Peanut and his black feathers are brown in some places. Is this normal? I also have a white fuzzy foot and fuzzy face bantam polish named Kevin. He is getting picked on and the feathers on his legs are getting plucked out and bleeding...