
  1. Lambchop98


    Hi! I have a 20 day old baby goat that I’ve been bottle feeding since she was 4 days old. I fed her replacer but switched her to whole milk because she needed more fat. She seemed to be doing really well on the cows milk but all of a sudden yesterday at her 4PM feeding she would only eat about 1...
  2. J

    Help please 3 wk doeling not eating

    The doeling is 3 weeks old and was a triplet. She was the runt. She was given to me a few days ago to save because mom wasn't feeding them and she was extremely underweight and dehydrated. She was grinding teeth Monday, cried when began urinating, refused to drink milk. She was seen by vet...
  3. Finge

    3 week old kid became limp, how to cure?

    So, today one of my first kids, he's three weeks old, became limp, he was fine only a few hours ago, we went out to eat, came back and I tried to feed him, he fed well, but when I put him down to walk to his brother, he collapsed and wouldn't get back up. He's floppy, but we don't think he has...
  4. trampledbygeese

    prolapse ewe in labour - no birth bubble yet - when to assist? What to do?

    Please help. Vet is closed and I'm not sure if I should get involved or let the ewe keep going on her own. I'm in tears with worry. 3 year old, black welsh mountain ewe, her name is Mini. This is her second year. This is my third year lambing, second year lambing on my own. I have a lot...