
  1. Blamo'sBestBuddy

    Pics of the kittens I fostered!

    This is sort of a hobby...I guess. I like to help my local pet shelter every year and foster a mama cat and her kittens. I just wanted to share some of the cutest pictures I took of my latest litter. So watch out for some cuteness! :love Here is mama and all the kittens squeezed into a box...
  2. Wehner Homestead

    Ella (A Barn Cat’s Journey of Mothering)

    We had previously expected Ella to have kittens but were mistaken. DH saw “the act” between Wilson and Ella about three weeks ago and then a stray yellow tabby tom last week and Ella. She’s bound to be expecting now. My research showed domestic feline gestations to be 58-63 days. Does anyone...
  3. Wehner Homestead

    Bottle Kittens: Smoky and Daisy

    Y’all know I am a softie and have difficulty saying no...I’m now raising 3 kittens that were dropped in the storm last night. They were soaking wet and cold when I got them. We dried them with towels that had been warmed in the dryer while they were en route to us. After they were mostly dry...