
  1. Magon VanWagner

    Pregnant pot belly got milk 25 hrs ago

    My pregnant mini potbelly got her milk in a little over 25hrs ago and still no babies i have spent nights in the pen with her she gets upset when i leave. Its 4 am here and im still with her should i be concerned that she hasnt started atlctive labor this long after getting her milk in and is...
  2. M

    Rescue pig possibly pregnant?????

    We took in a potbelly June 2 that was found on the road by a sherif deputy. Over the last month she's seemed to get a milk line and gained weight. I keep going back and forth with thinking she's pregnant. Are there any other reasons they could develop teats? They aren't tight and full or...
  3. Ferguson K

    Ferguson K's 2016 farrowing thread!

    This thread may not be very fun, I'm afraid. At the moment we only have two females bred. Rita, if she took on her first breeding, is due any day now. She's showing premature signs. Her little tests have started to enlarge and she's slowing on appetite. DH called me frantically to the pen...