

    Poultry and Egg science

    Okay! So, I'm in a program and I'm going to be doing a presentation on Poultry and Egg science! And I've got to choose from these topics to discuss: Broiler Chickens Chicken Breeds vs. Egg Color Refrigerated eggs vs. Non-refrigerated eggs Free range vs. Chickens held in houses My mentor says...
  2. Farmer Connie


    Hello and welcome to my BBQ thread. I will try to keep this thread active as possible. If you decide to contribute to this forum, please keep the subject within outdoor cooking relations. Either it being tips or tricks, or you wish to share recipes. Please stay within the BYH guidelines with...
  3. TheKindaFarmGal

    TheKindaFarmGal's Journal - Long overdue updates! Cow calved

    Before I begin, I just want to say that @micah wotring made me do this. I mentioned I was thinking about starting a journal, and he made a ridiculous claim that left me no option but to start a journal as soon as I could. And that is now. :D =D Now, I probably won't be very good at this, cuz...
  4. T

    Help! A bunch of my laying hens have Ascites Syndrome!

    So far I've lost 4 of my hens to Ascites over the past few months. Two Buff Orpingtons and two Silver Laced Wyandottes. Two more of my buffs now have swollen water bellies... I can't figure out what's causing it! I've done my research and know that the ascites is caused by organ failure, but I...
  5. J

    New member from Texas

    I joined BYH in August and I am finally doing an intro. I have poultry of all kinds (chickens, quail, turkeys, peafowl, pheasants, and guineas) and I found out about BYH over at BYC. We bought a small herd of young Dorper sheep yesterday, so now I have a herd to talk about :frow I have...