
  1. WeegMisty

    Equine and goat supplies to have on hand for any situation

    Hey, everyone! I am excited to eb here and know a bunch about horse I would like to share! First I want to know of the best horse supplies to have on hand of ray horse situation, since we know that horses are accident prone, and reckless! We have the basics covered, Vetrycin, a large bottle of...
  2. Goat Shaman

    Want to Build a Goat Barn

    I want to build a goat barn but I don't know where to begin. I milk my goats, and I want a barn where I can keep my feed and milk my does. They are in a fenced in area with a dinky little shelter and I think they need something better than a little shelter. Their feed is in my house and I...
  3. Sally Sunshine


    ps.. after this info (same post) I posted an updated notes thoughts and things I have learned and things I would add and birth pics. KIDDING SUPPLY LIST & KIDDING NOTES What did I forget? ;) Paper towels Newborn kid coat Hand sanitizer Wireless intercom/CAM for keeping track of does Unwaxed...