
  1. Feo

    Weak Goat won't eat

    Hey, i just got back on town from a 3 week trip. When I left my 9 year old Saanen was fine, but now she is very weak and won't eat. She definatly has worms which I already treated with cydectin from the vet and SafeGuard. I believe she must've gotten them from the baby kiko I had a month ago...
  2. Coolbreeze89

    Rabbit won’t hop?

    Hello! Brand new to rabbits. I just got three rabbits from someone who raised them for 4H. I’m told they are about 6 months old. One of the does’ legs seem to not work right. When she lies down, they are kind of behind her. She doesn’t hop. She seems to pull her legs along? I’ve only had her a...
  3. Farmer Connie

    Down Buck

    Brief history.. My Vet came out 4 days ago approx to evaluate my Buck who has become lazy. His poo is normal and almost text book perfect. He did get into some medicated chickens food prior so our Doc loaded a needle with thiamine and we also checked his eye lids and he was anemic. So we dosed...
  4. J

    Help please 3 wk doeling not eating

    The doeling is 3 weeks old and was a triplet. She was the runt. She was given to me a few days ago to save because mom wasn't feeding them and she was extremely underweight and dehydrated. She was grinding teeth Monday, cried when began urinating, refused to drink milk. She was seen by vet...