
  1. 2

    Banding…Testes look alright?

  2. P

    Can I wean my wethers and doe off of grain?

    I have 5 wethers and 1 doe, ranging from 2-5 years old. I got 4 out of 6 of them when they were 8 weeks old, and the other two I got when they were just a day or two old as bottle babies. Ever since I got them from their breeder's, I have been told to keep them on grain. Lately, I just feel like...
  3. G

    New goat momma has questions.

    Hey, I am getting my 2 nigerian dwarf wethers this weekend. I already have a pen off to the side of the yard for my chickens. It is pretty big, so I built the goats a shelter on the opposite end of the chicken coop. The goats will be let out of the pen every morning. Most mornings I will leave...
  4. Miranda Kurucz

    I made my boys their very own Goat Boat

    I am so proud of this project! Meet our new boys! Lenny and Carl have been home for a 11 days now and I figured it was time to share their awesome house!!! I am so proud of The Goat Boat: To see more on the making of: http://imgur.com/a/w4uOv
  5. GoatiePal


    Hi~ I'm new to all this, so not sure how it works. I have a peculiar goat issue for which I'm seeking advice. I recently became keeper and buddy of two Nigerian Dwarfs, Moe and Bentley. About a month ago, I noticed Bentley wasn't as 'wethered' looking as Moe. Bent began showing his penis...
  6. E

    Questions about the care of backyard Nigerian Dwarf Goat wethers

    Hi! I'm Elise, I just joined. I'd like to introduce myself and ask a few questions. My family and I are looking into purchasing two or three young NDG wethers to have as companions/pets in our backyard (don't worry, there's space.) Since we will likely be bringing them home around mid-July...