9 month old ram butting newborns


Loving the herd life
Mar 9, 2021
Reaction score
Georgia, Usa
We have just started our flock, and currently we have two ewes, (one of which has just given birth to twins), and one nine month old ram. The twins were a boy and a girl; the boy was rejected and is being bottle-fed.

I noticed today while sitting with the flock, the bigger ram will occasionally and lightly butt into the back of the female. I don’t know if the mother didn’t notice or didn’t care. I have been thinking about separating the older ram in case he is going to hurt one of them when I’m not around, but then he will be alone. I’m not sure how big the newborns have to be where he will leave them be. I thought the mother would do something if he bumped into the girl but maybe not? I realize the little boy lamb is on his own if I’m not there. I will say that he spent yesterday with the older ram and the ewe who isn’t his mother, and he was fine when I came to put him in the stall. I cannot leave him with his mother because she has an interest in him even though he is no longer interested in her. She comes around to sniff him and then head butts him hard.

Any ideas? Since the older ram is still technically a lamb do you think he won’t actually hurt the lambs? Should I separate him by himself?This feels like an old school riddle of who goes where.
Maybe you should make a pen for the mom and her lamb. That way you can let her out when you can watch her and put her in when you can't