Abilene Rabbit Tree (saving a bloated rabbit)

don walton

Just born
Mar 7, 2017
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I am here to share information about saving a bloated bunny rabbits life I have stumbled on to a way to help save most bloated baby and adult bunny rabbits I have saved 17 rabbits both baby and adults from dying a painful death caused by bloating first of all I was told there is no real cure to save a bloated rabbits life I did not give up trying new ideas so I finally found some helpful advise for diarrhea change the water to fresh add a pinch of salt to a cup of water and a pinch of baking soda mix well and place in pen with bunny if bloating occurs or puffy belly you must act quickly to relieve it step one take the bunny in hands lay a towel on the floor below hold the rabbit above and massage the belly along the side between your hands holding bunny butt towards the floor massage the rabbit gently sort of a down ward motion start from the head area in a rolling pattern between both hands and work your way down until rabbit releases trapped gas and fecal matter onto the towel below this may take several tries if done properly gas and runny fecal matter will release from your bunny this may save a bunnies life it has worked for me so far so good worth a try even obstruction small seem to release from the bunny when tummy is swollen most causes in bunnies bloating is to many veggies in their diet or sugar intake no sweet treat human food just rabbit pellets and hay or water .lo


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Greetings and welcome to BYH :frow Thanks for your post on saving bloated rabbits. I have moved the post from the new member introduction section over to the rabbit disease/injury section as it more appropriately belongs here. I also added a bit to the title in parens. I hope you don't take offense. Hopefully others who have rabbits experiencing this issue will benefit from the info you've provided. Please take a moment an do an actual introduction in the new member section so we can give you a proper welcome! We have quite a few active Rabbitteers here so I'm sure you'll have others to chat with. Please browse around and make yourself at home.


Chillin' with the herd
Aug 15, 2016
Reaction score
Also, dont forget that Infant Gas Drops(found in the baby section of any store) Help too. i lost almost all my rabbits to bloat(im down to 2) and to save the last 2, i gave them infant gas drops.