Alright it has begun we brought the rabbits yesterday and were going to pick them up tomorrow and we brought the nigeran buck here. The does don't seem to be in heat yet but they should in a few days to weeks and then we'll return him once he's done his job. I'll let you know when I think there successfully bred and their due dates then we'll start counting down the day until babies.
the rabbits are due 1-4 of February so could be on my birthday and dolly the Saanen is due June 11.I'm not sure about fern she has a very quiet heat she could be bred so I'll just have to keep an eye out on her once it gets closer to may/june.
Hey, y'all can you believe it's already been 4 months?! My Nigerian is starting to show signs that she's getting closer to having the kids. I think she's pregnant with 3. her ligaments are softening, and her udder is getting full. There's a storm tomorrow so I imagine she will have them tomorrow night. we'll see how it goes.
What could she have been exposed to prior to you getting the buck??? a little kid buck??? Maybe she is going to abort.??? She should be due around May 26th if she got bred the day you brought the buck home... 3+ weeks early is really a little too early for a sheep or goat..... but if she is carrying multiples then maybe there just isn't enough room and her body is going into labor... maybe one died and the body will naturally try to expel it, maybe she is just going to be a short gestation one... and maybe her body is getting ready a bit early and she isn't as ready to actually have them as you think????