B&B Happy Goats....journal


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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I just finished my third telephone interview for Missy, third person sounds perfect, her dog is 11 and has cancer, Missy should fit right in there perfectly., the yard is fenced, no small dogs or children and " she wants Missy to sleep with her " :lol:...good luck hoisting that 90 pounds up onto your bed , lol
She is coming today to meet Missy, ....got that girl all showered up and looking pretty, I told her all about Missys issues so she is onboard with everything.
Leon is heartbroken, I have explained to him that just like Mel.....you need to do what is best for your animals...not put your emotions first.
Missy is at a point in her life that "children" , even four legged ones are too much for her. I could just about get her big ole self into the shower this morning.....she is ready for a new adventure, and so am I.
That must be really hard for you to give them love and send them on...but that’s the ultimate selfless act of love....you’re doing a wonderful thing for those pups..and the people who are lucky enough to get dogs that have been helped by you!!:)