B&B Happy Goats....journal

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
This is the breeder you bought Winston from?
I don't get people, she bought her, neglected her, decided to sell her, than offered to buy her back? That's just looney tunes. Glad she's safe with you now.
Yes, unfortunately it is the breeder I got Winston from....they are fed a very expensive food (I have seen the food delivered and the brand ) Jazz isn't under weight at all,...supposed to be due for her update on shots October 1st...I am stumped on the "how she got in this condition" other than just plain ole neglect...:idunno:(


Herd Master
May 6, 2017
Reaction score
Hamilton County, north of Indianapolis
Just got back from the vet's with Jazz, her eyes are infected, both ears are infected and she is now on a bunch of meds to get her back to the condition she was in when I sold her...when I picked her up last week she was living in a outside sandy nasty kennel, she was mated from nose to tail, eyes were crusted shut, thorns in her matted coat...the anger was set aside as I saw her condition and I brought her home, leon and I put her on the kitchen island and worked on her for two hours until the groomer called me at 6:30 saying she would help, the groomer and I were finished stripping her at 10pm...she slept with me for three nights with a blanket on her to adjust to being inside in AC...I honestly can't tell you how guilty I feel for letting her go to a "home" wher she was supposed to be inside and taken care of...my anger at the "breeder /friend is overwhelming and I want to smack the life out of her and stick her into that nasty kennel for seven month to feel what this poor girl has gone through...after taking her today for treatment I broke into tears, the people at the vets are "taking care of notification to the appropriate people" so I don't have to be directly involved at the moment...unless it goes to court.
How does one get a license to breed and yet let this happen is beyond anything that I can comprehend...
Jazz is the most grateful dog , she is just so happy to be here again, and the other three are being wonderful to her...she is negative for parvo and heartworm thankfully and will recover from her issues in about two weeks.
Last night I got another text from the breeder telling me her DNA testing came back, she is negative on all hereditary issues. (All my dogs have been tested) and offered to buy her back if I ever wanted to sell her...that will NEVER HAPPEN...
So that's basically the story of what has kept me so busy lol...puppy, rescue, two healthy dogs and a husband recovering from surgury...I am doing my best not to go confront the breeder as my anger would surely land my butt in jail,
Have a good day all..

chickens really

Herd Master
May 8, 2017
Reaction score
The Funny Farm
Darla just had an ear infection in both ears. Within two days of her medicine she was already feeling better. Her ears are 100% now.
I bet Milo already knows his name..❤🐩
Puppy breath should be bottled 😋
I have to keep her ear canals free of hair and not let her hair on her ear flaps grow long. Plus put cotton balls in her ears when it's bath time.

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
Darla just had an ear infection in both ears. Within two days of her medicine she was already feeling better. Her ears are 100% now.
I bet Milo already knows his name..❤🐩
Puppy breath should be bottled 😋
I have to keep her ear canals free of hair and not let her hair on her ear flaps grow long. Plus put cotton balls in her ears when it's bath time.

Jazz's eyes are already looking better and the ear meds have her shaking her head much less, she appears to know that I am doing something to help ease her discomfort as she now stands still for all five meds twice a day...it's so nice to watch her running and playing with Winston and Lilly outside...that girl is sailing over the plants and bushes chasing the other two...does my heart good to see her start her recovery :love