Baymule’s Journal


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
It’s POURING RAIN. I fed at 3:00, I could see the dark clouds and it started to thunder. Sheep are in their shelters, no sign of Sheba. Sentry just appeared, he’s strolling around. According to radar, there will be a brief lull, then another pouring down storm.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Sheba goes to the back of those little Quonset huts. She came out when the rain let up.

Haven’t checked with Peggy to see if they found the cows.

We got the portable building emptied. Son brought it from Lindale for me, to his house. We were going to move it to the farm yesterday but rain was coming and son had some last minute things to do before he leaves today for Oklahoma. He has a few more things to do this morning, then he’ll hook up his RV and hit the road. He booked a space right across from the job, so that’s convenient. He will probably have Thanksgiving weekend off, he’ll be able to come home and enjoy the madness here. Nephew and wife will probably have Thanksgiving on Saturday, depending on when my sister in law can get off. I’ll go there too, for more fun and festivities.

I have no plans for today. High of 54F and for the next 10 days forecast is in 30’s at night, highs in the 50’s with a few rainy days thrown in. I turned the heat on this morning, had a low of 35F. Had the AC on yesterday. LOL


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
It was 70+ with all the rain yesterday, today sun and some clouds and 60's... it is 58 at 8:30 this morning. A few passing showers, then DROPPING.... and tomorrow is supposed to only make the low 40's...:ep:th. But the nights are supposed to be down in the 20's.... BIG SWITCH......The hunters will love it for rifle season... Me, not so much.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Bennet’s cousin, Lee’s cows got out. So they got someone else to help Cowboy those cows, plus dogs and came back with nary a cow. Cows scattered in all directions. It’s a mix of open pastures and thick woods and lousy fences. The truck and trailer went back towards Bennet’s and Bennet on horseback. Then here come some cows, just a running, they veered off into the 40 acres on the other side of me and disappeared. I sent a text to Peggy and pretty soon, here come Bennet and Lee in a truck, looking around. They just came back on horseback with dogs. It will be dark in an hour. If the cows go through that fence, they may wind up on a clear cut that has hundreds of acres.

So that’s been the afternoon excitement here. I was thinking of @farmerjan and how she doesn’t put up with crazy cows. It seems that’s all Lee has! Hahaha! Keeping my front gate closed, don’t want a bunch of stupid cows in here.
That is the difference between women ranchers and those wild cowboys. Women go out with a bucket of grain and call the cows in; men go chasing on horseback with a bunch of dogs! Women have too much to do and manage their time better! They don't have time to run around after stuff like crazy. When we get new livestock first thing we do is lock it u and feed inn enclosed area that we will be feeding in consistently. we used to try to chase them and catch them if they got out. Now we just wait till feeding time rattle the grain bucket and stand aside as they stampede to their feeders. Of course, this makes for more boring Ridgetop times. Nothing as fun as sitting on the porch watching the neighbors trying to corral loose stock. I know this because my neighbors have told me how much they enjoyed watching us in the early days. :lol:

Just hope they found the cattle when they settled down and got them back home before the cows got out on the road or lost in heavy brush. :fl Let us know.

Wasn't it Lee's bull that got out while he was out of town and took out 3 or 4 fences before Bennet got him into the trailer and took him back to the sale yard? LOL


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
A piece of my mail got put in Peggy and Bennet’s mail box so I went down there to get it. I asked about the cows and they followed those cows and penned them up miles away on somebody’s place that they knew. Bennet called Peggy to bring truck and trailer to come pick up him and Lee and the horses. Next day they went back for the cows and sorted them out . Their crazy red cow was in the bunch, so they loaded her up to take to the sale. Bennet’s brother called with a couple of crazies he wanted gone, so they went and loaded them up too. GONE.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
28F this morning! The pastures are frosty Frimplepants is round as a barrel but not bagging up yet. She sure looks miserable. Ewenique and a few others are getting big bellies.
It’s 100% rain tomorrow. Tuesday Chris and I are going to tear down dog pen at sons house, it’s horse panels. Bring them here and extend the front yard fence for Cooper. Also going to get my sheep working gates and hopefully get them set up too. Going to tear down the fence I put up in front of the pond at sons house. I’ll bring the 2 cow panels here, leave the piece of sheep and goat wire there to go into making a backyard fence at sons house.

I need to get the cabinet off the wall in the little utility room. That’s where the shelves are going to go. I can make them 22” deep, that’s out to the light switch on the left and the inside AC/heat unit on the right. Then I have to Kilz that patch of wall, texture and paint it.


I’m painting boards in the big utility room, too cold to paint outside.


Thought I’d show y’all the future tear down buildings that I have to use now because I got nothing else. We emptied the portable building I brought from Lindale but didn’t have time to move it.


Big heavy stuff went into a container at dons house. Lighter stuff came here. Most of it went in the building that has doors. Both that and the open front building have dirt floors. I put down pallets and screwed down plywood scraps to make a floor in the part that has doors. On the far right of the open front building is a nook with a pallet-plywood floor and that’s where the feed metal trash cans are. I put down pallets at the back of it and have lumber laid down on them. Son brought his big mower, it’s parked in there now, I’ll have to make room for the mule when I get it back. Mule is getting engine overhaul right now.

When I tear this down, I’ll salvage all I can to use elsewhere. I want to tear down the open front first, build bigger storage/shop, then tear down part with doors and build a carport for truck and tractor. In the meantime I’m just glad to have something that is useable. Ugly, starting to rot, but useable. LOL


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Rifle shot went off. Anatolians did not react, but ewes clumped up together and walked calmly to the lot. Another rifle shot, one to knock him down (deer I’m guessing) another to finish him off. Meat for the freezer. Ewes went back to pasture.