Brahmerqueen's lamb/sheep journal


Loving the herd life
Feb 2, 2022
Reaction score
Central Florida
I haven't done one of these in awhile but anyway howdy the title says it all. Since my last sheep thread I now take care of 25 (I think?) Sheep & lambs- here they are in order of when I got them-

Dalanda- I got her in 2019- she is a "Florida cracker" sheep
Pumpkinella- I got her in May of '22 from Moore livestock in TX
Holly- also got her in May of '22 from Moore livestock- her and Pumpkinella were in my like first lamb thread they are both Hampshires/blackface crosses
Baby Faith- I got her from Berry farms in IA last year in March- she is also a Hampshire/bf cross- she's probably the best or second best sheep I have she definitely has the most muscle
Hope- I got her in May last year from Sacred Silence farms here in FL- she is a dorset advantage and is also probably either the best or second best sheep i have she did pretty good at all the shows last year
Georgia- I also got her from Berry farms last year and I was originally supposed to get a different ewe but it got sick and the person i got Hope from picked Georgia out for me instead & I really like her she's a Hampshire/bf cross
Lamborghini- he's my ram I got from Hewlett club lambs in Kansas last year and he turned out wayyy better than I expected him to he's a registered Hampshire
Greg- Holly is his mom and Max the cracker ram I used to have is his dad he was born last April- he's going to be my teaser ram this year
Lou- I got her last year in August she's like 6 years old I think and her scrapie tag has an Illinois number on it but I don't know who's it is- she had one ewe lamb this year that was sired by Lamborghini i that i sold to my friend i think she's pretty decent

Laquisha & Lafawnduh- they're Holly's AI lambs she had in February- Lafawnduh is a natural and Laquisha is a blackface
Tyrone & Jemima- are Pumpkinella's AI lambs she also had in February- Jemima is a blackface and Tyrone is like 100% jet black (Tyrone is a wether and will be my county fair market lamb)
Cindy & Patience- I got them from Berry farms in March- I love Cindy her butt is huge and she just looks nice to me even though she didn't do super great at her first show last month they are both Hampshires/ bf crosses
Shelby- I got her at a sale in Oklahoma from Heisdorffer club lambs- she's a Dorset advantage I like her a lot and her mom was the champion Dorset ewe at a kinda big sheep show/sale a few years ago, she did only get second to last in class at the show last month but i think i also did i terrible job showing her😂
Carol- I got her from Wolf club lambs in IA, she's a Dorset advantage as well and really thick, I really like her and everyone said she should make awesome babies
^i only was planning on buying 1 ewe this year but obviously I had no self control

Dalanda also had a ewe and a ram lamb this year but we'll probably just eat them

And then in June I got 4 more older ewes from the person I got Hope from that I can AI this year- Spiltz from Berry farms that's also out of my like most favorite ram and I also got Spltiz's Daughter- and then one ewe is from her friend in TN and the other one Nikki is from Begalka in SD, that one like stands up like a person and walks on her back legs if I am holding the feed bucket up above them

The last 2 also came from the person I got Hope from one is originally from Shroyer in OH and the other "Clementine" from someone in WI but they are our friend's and I'm just taking care of them/they live here

I have another show in Georgia in a few days but I'll probably only be taking 5 lambs because Lafawnduh has sore mouth I think Jemima does too and Patience had it and has been over it for awhile but she pulled out a bunch of her back leg wool and it looks terrible, hopefully no more lambs end up with it, on a positive note I should have like 10 ewes to AI/breed this year (last year i only had Holly and Pumpkinella)


Loving the herd life
Feb 2, 2022
Reaction score
Central Florida
I'm sure I already posted all these in the POW thread but here are some pictures of them,



Tyrone (at the show last month)

Carol right after I got her

Shelby at the Oklahoma sale right after I bought her

Laquisha with some of the older ewes in the background



And I was going to show this ewe (the person I got Hope from owned her) but like a week after we brought her home I just found her bloated and dead in the pen, we figured she probably choked but we never cut her throat open to see, she was doing super great before that


Loving the herd life
Feb 2, 2022
Reaction score
Central Florida
Hope at some shows last year

I didn't realize I would have to go back in the ring in this next picture so I had just washed her and it was raining outside so me and her were both soaked

Georgia right after I got her

Georgia a few months ago

Tyrone at the show last month again

Patience before she had sore mouth (L) and Cindy (R)

All the older ewes are in this picture, Pumpkinella is walking out in the middle of it

Bonus pic of Tyrone being a genius, I have no idea what made him want to push his head through that little gap


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
The type and bodies on the sheep are very nice... no offense but the leg hair and all makes me think of poodles... and I do not care for poodles especially much.
Besides all that fluff is totally impractical in the real world of raising sheep... hides all sorts of leg and feet problems, angles etc.... Just my personal opinion.
And the way they are "posed" is a totally unrealistic type for an animal to have in the field. The legs need to be under them in a good foundation, not stretched out behind them....


Loving the herd life
Feb 2, 2022
Reaction score
Central Florida
The type and bodies on the sheep are very nice...
Thank you
no offense but the leg hair and all makes me think of poodles... and I do not care for poodles especially much.
Besides all that fluff is totally impractical in the real world of raising sheep... hides all sorts of leg and feet problems, angles etc.... Just my personal opinion.
I think the leg hair looks nice but it wouldn't bother me at all if the trend of it went away, I don't expect it to though. I don't really like poodles either 😂, when I fade the legs for shows I usually shave the parts around the knee/hock joints down and fade them from there but I noticed at the last show I was at almost all the sheep that won had a lot of wool above their knees🤦🏿‍♀️and it was way more distracting to me than the normal amount of leg wool but I don't agree with a lot of things the judges pick anyway:idunnoand it is really easy to hide leg problems with it
And the way they are "posed" is a totally unrealistic type for an animal to have in the field. The legs need to be under them in a good foundation, not stretched out behind them....
I think about that all the time, I kind of wish when you showed them you just had them stand with their heads up instead of having them "bracing" against you🙃