Busty suddenly limping


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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Busty is my pregnant doe, due feb2. She was fine yesterday, just sitting a lot. I figured she is just uncomfortable at this point. Today she was limping a lot on the back left. I got her on the stand. I trimmed her December 27, but was cautious because I’m new to trimming, so I’d rather do it more. Her frog definitely needed some attention. During the process I made her bleed a bit. Put cornstarch and iodine on it. The other people on the goat spot started talking about toxemia. Now I’m scar to death and my husband is furious beca I just now came back in from the barn again, and we’re hving anoth storm. He doesn’t want to hear the word goat one more time....yikes! Anyways..I took her temp..it was good..101.7*. I gave her some corn and sweet feed, tomorrow I’m going to roll some molasses in it. They recommend that I get her tested for toxemia now, and moved forward with the process to help..apparen goats can die in 24 hrs if it is toxEmma..what do you all think?? I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place.