C&D Farming..oh what a life!


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
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Second that. Fat animals generally have more health issues also aren't as happy. We feel bad when we aren't a healthy weight. Same goes for them . They programmed to eat the highest engery producing thing the most and tastes because they might not find it again. Which would true in nature but not in a domestic scene. You goal is healthy not fat feed accordingly and you 'll have happy animals and more fun with them i feed twice a day with grain, and the rest is hay and a treat such as apples, carrots, celery act. Bucks and wethers don't need as much grain as kids or does because they aren't growing or pregnant or lactating. The more energy spent the more intake is reguired.


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
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Second that. Fat animals generally have more health issues also aren't as happy. We feel bad when we aren't a healthy weight. Same goes for them . They programmed to eat the highest engery producing thing the most and tastes because they might not find it again. Which would true in nature but not in a domestic scene. You goal is healthy not fat feed accordingly and you


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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I do feed twice a day...now I’m only giving moms the mixed grains while milking and then I put out some regular pellets for the kids . Hay is always available. Fruit as I can..but now with the stores...it won’t be as easy....


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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Ok, so, @Jesusfreak101 has been kind enough to help me on the phone, and she’s been sending me videos of milking and I sent her a very short one of this morning. My phone wouldn’t allow me to send this one because it’s longer, but I wanted the rest of you to see how very big Busty’s teats are... @Jesusfreak101 gave me some tips on the way I am milking, to prevent milk from going back up..so I need to clip off my thumb and pointer better to stop it. Note taken. Any other tips would be great. I got over a gallon off of just Busty today...the other two don’t make much, but that’s fine with me!!

we also had something else...um, interesting? Happen today? Some of the goats had developed sub Q bubbles after their CDT shots. Today’s Honeys burst. It’s an abscess. Talked to the vet. She, and the two others might have had a bad reaction to to the brand I used. I got it at TS...it could’ve been my fault somehow too? But, the vet said it’s no big deal. We gave her penacillan and I need to flush it and keep it clean. She should be fine though. Quite a scare!!

we bought an incubator today, so we’ll be setting it up on Monday when the humidity meter arrives. Chris didn’t want to go to the store. This is my first go at hatching in an incubator...so, hoping it goes well..I know it can be tough!!
A very busy day on the farm...Chris powerwashed, sanded, prime red and repainted the new hay baler. Looks good! I had to clean out all the pig pens and barns...ugh. But, Portly feels great ever since I gave her the lice treatment!! She’s happy again! She took off through the yard...headed for the chicken coop. I’d been yelling my head off for her, but of course a Chris just chuckled as he saw me find her. Apparently he had warned Port I’d be mad at her... :lol: who can be mad at that face?

we drove an hour away to buy a bandsaw for butchering. But it wasn’t big enough. Ugh!! Here’s the video of me milking...don’t be too brutal on me...lol...just teasing..I can take all the help I can get!


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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How did this morning milking go?
Good, I have another short video to send to you...I think I did a better job. It didn’t take near as long! And, I left a bit so that she doesn’t need to produce as much. Last night I actually looked up some alpine goats. Prices are down right now. But, none close enough to us to make it worth the trip. But, since I’m investing in licensing and insurance To sell milk and cheese...I thought it might be good to have another good milker. Chris thinks I’m nuts, but he didn’t listen to the logic yet. If we bred a doe now...she would be able to be milked around th3 time that Busty needs to dry up to get ready to kid, after we breed her next Nove-December. So, we’ll see...I contacted a couple people but it would be a 5 hour trip...too long. It’s just in the thinking stage right now. Going to keep looking, just too see?

A nice young girl and her 2yr old came out to the farm this morning. Here two hours!! That little girl just loved everything!! They used to have chickens and she wanted to hold them...well, mine are free range, not that easy to catch, even with a bucket of feed... :lol: but, we got about 5 for her to hold. :). She was so cute, holding my hand , everywhere we went. Her mom couldn’t believe how much she liked me, apparently she doesn’t usually take as well to strangers. But we had a great time with the goats and bunnies, etc. They ar3 looking for a house. The mom is going home to ask the hubb6 if they can buy a bunny...then, if they get a house, can they buy my chicks...then,next year, can they buy my goat kids, etc.... They are coming back on Saturday. I wonder how soon I can put a broom in the little girls hands?:lol:


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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The little girl likely knew she could trust someone that cares so much for their animals.

Thanks Bruce...that’s sweet.
Need some big hands for that girl!
I told you guys she is huge!!

oh, one weird thing I noticed, quite randomly about my goats today...you know how goat pupils are slanted on the side...so the black is horizontal? Well, I just realized today...they all have big round pupils. Is it the change in season? Please don’t tell me it’s a bad sign....the6 all look great, etc Busty is too thin, but I’m working on that with her!!

@farmerjan ...this is actually the farm truck that I like best. It doesn’t run...just needs a motor.Lord knows we’ve got enough of those.. :lol: it used to have nice wooden side rails on the bed, but my buck, Chester pulled them off!! He was more than ahandful!
Which why I didn’t really wan5 another buck yet. Too much work!! I sent a video of me milking today to @Jesusfreak101and she said I’m doin a much better job!! woohoo...took less time too! Oh, here’s a random picture of our house...we intentionally made it to look like a barn. Try to ignore all the clutter...we just got home from the auction and we’re really bust getting ready for spring!!
ok, trying to hit the hay early tonight!! Tomorrow I have pictures of bunnies kits, about a week...they have some of the nicest coloring we’ve had so far. I think I’m keeping one....good night all!!