Canesisters 2024 journal


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
So happy for y that things are going well at work and with Blossom.

Cows used to be trained to harness and pull carts in the way back. If you only had a milk cow you could get double use out of her that way. And Oxen are just steers that have been gelded young and trained to harness and yoke.

One of the vets on Dr. Pol's show trains oxen as a hobby. Dr. Brenda (Grettenberger) was shown on one episode about the various other vets and their hobbies working with her oxen team. There is also the Midwest Ox Drovers Association which might have information on how to train cattle or oxen to harness.


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Sounds like good news all around you place!! When growing conditions here are not great my tomatoes seem to go on hold. Heck I had some in the greenhouse that held staying just plain old alive from spring until fall when I pulled up the outside plants I replaced them with the "held" plants that then exploded giving me more tomatoes. I didn't know that a plant could be "held" especially that long and then do well. Live and learn!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Sounds like the job is working out real well for you. New skill set, decent pay, long days but with more flexible time off (some weekdays when you need to do things) with the rotation of days...

Glad you can get Blossom gone and hopefully things will settle down. Is your cow bred back now? Will the cow get too lonely though? She has had company for quite awhile.

I would love some irises... any and all colors... I want to start a some new plantings along a bank. I am taking a shovel or trowel with me to swipe a few at the edges of some plantings along the roads here to add some different ones, the next couple of trips out. Got a stash of plastic groc bags in the car too... Maybe meet up at the fall poultry swap in Sept???? The ones here are in full bloom everywhere... but my one set were early and they are done but these later ones are blooming now. I know they will be done and leaves dying off, by then but that is no problem... get them settled in for next year. Or we can figure it out... I can pay you to mail them......Thank you for the offer....


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
Sounds like the job is working out real well for you. New skill set, decent pay, long days but with more flexible time off (some weekdays when you need to do things) with the rotation of days...

Glad you can get Blossom gone and hopefully things will settle down. Is your cow bred back now? Will the cow get too lonely though? She has had company for quite awhile.

I would love some irises... any and all colors... I want to start a some new plantings along a bank. I am taking a shovel or trowel with me to swipe a few at the edges of some plantings along the roads here to add some different ones, the next couple of trips out. Got a stash of plastic groc bags in the car too... Maybe meet up at the fall poultry swap in Sept???? The ones here are in full bloom everywhere... but my one set were early and they are done but these later ones are blooming now. I know they will be done and leaves dying off, by then but that is no problem... get them settled in for next year. Or we can figure it out... I can pay you to mail them......Thank you for the offer....
Eva had been alone off & on over the years and she's done great. I'll have to wait & see how she does this time.
I'm not sure if I'm going to breed her again. I've enjoyed learning how to milk & process into various products. But it's gotten to be such a 'thing' to arrange things for the the grown calf - and the strain of having a 2nd cow on the pastures. Not to mention the whole issue of feeding 2 grown cows hay & the mess around the hay feeder that I'm STILL trying to get help cleaning away.
Maybe something major will change one day & I'll get my hands on a tractor. That will be a game changer!

When is the fall swap? I'd love to meet up & bring some plants to swap.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
See there -- cow size & pressures. It's WHY I have goats. Escapees & all. Want the cow cream, for butter. Calf I'd freezer camp. But the goat milk is great & less expensive than a cow to keep. Yrs back we'd raise 8-10 feeder calves to butcher size, sell most & everyone in the family had a share of "free" beef! That was 5 kids & in-laws & big farm ago. 😳😁

I have meat & dairy goats. But at some point will cut back to only 6-10 total, not 20-25...."when I retire" 🤣🤣🤣. We both know with only ourselves in the household, we need less 🤷 I love the milk & cheeses but, butter isn't as tasty. So, I buy that. Oh, the meat is good...sorta beefy, no good steaks though. Buy those!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Unexpected consequences of my actions.

Now that I'm 'Certified' as a Creel worker..... I suddenly find that the trainees are yelling: Debbieeee I need help! Debbieeee can you come look at this?
Debbieee I messed up, hurry!
...every 10mins.


So nice to be needed..... :hide :hide :hide :barnie:barnie:barnie:gig:gig:gig

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