Canesisters 2024 journal


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
Always a happy sight.
The hay trailer is STUFFED.

When my hay guy came last night I asked if he knew anyone that might trailer Blossom to the processor for me. He said that he could do it if I can give him plenty of notice. Then, kind of joking... kind of hinting, I said that if I was going to use his trailer we aught to work out a hay for heifer deal & he could just take her home. He said that he had always liked the look of her and that he would really hate to see her go for beef. 😳😁 And that I should let him know what I want for her & maybe we could work something out.
I have NO IDEA what to tell him - but I would MUCH rather see her go to join a herd. She's the nicest calf that's ever been raised here.
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Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Okay, what do you, and/or the hay guy, think she weighs? Replacement heifers are going for $2.00 lb and up for 5-600 weights... I would say she is conservatively worth $1200 without seeing a current picture or having a guess at the weight... BRED BEEF heifers (granted she is 1/2 jersey) , are bringing $1500-2500 across the board, most in the 18-2200, and with the low cow numbers in the country, from the drought and shortage of hay supply and farmers culling so many last year, the cattle prices are going to go even higher this year. Not saying to gouge the hay guy... just giving you a couple of figures to think on. I would conservatively say that at least $1200 is not out of line. I will try to see what they are doing this coming week to see if there are any in the 6-800 lb range for replacements and then you can make adjustments for her being 1/2 dairy although she looks more beef. The thing of it is she ought to raise one real crackerjack of a calf because of the jersey blood and milking ability... bred back to angus, the calf will be 3/4 beef and should fit right in with most any group he might want to sell...
Does he kill any for beef? Maybe make a trade for some hay and some beef???? Most beef is being sold for around $5/lb when people buy a 1/2 or something... Hamburger in the store is around $5/lb for good stuff... steaks and all a hanging half in the neighborhood of 250-300 lbs is worth 1200 .... say a 1/4 beef and however many rolls of hay (don't know what you are paying for hay)?????


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
Okay, what do you, and/or the hay guy, think she weighs? Replacement heifers are going for $2.00 lb and up for 5-600 weights... I would say she is conservatively worth $1200 without seeing a current picture or having a guess at the weight... BRED BEEF heifers (granted she is 1/2 jersey) , are bringing $1500-2500 across the board, most in the 18-2200, and with the low cow numbers in the country, from the drought and shortage of hay supply and farmers culling so many last year, the cattle prices are going to go even higher this year. Not saying to gouge the hay guy... just giving you a couple of figures to think on. I would conservatively say that at least $1200 is not out of line. I will try to see what they are doing this coming week to see if there are any in the 6-800 lb range for replacements and then you can make adjustments for her being 1/2 dairy although she looks more beef. The thing of it is she ought to raise one real crackerjack of a calf because of the jersey blood and milking ability... bred back to angus, the calf will be 3/4 beef and should fit right in with most any group he might want to sell...
Does he kill any for beef? Maybe make a trade for some hay and some beef???? Most beef is being sold for around $5/lb when people buy a 1/2 or something... Hamburger in the store is around $5/lb for good stuff... steaks and all a hanging half in the neighborhood of 250-300 lbs is worth 1200 .... say a 1/4 beef and however many rolls of hay (don't know what you are paying for hay)?????
This is Eva's calf, so only 1/4 jersey, which I think might make her a particularly good beef mom. Potentially higher volume & fat than a pure angus without the complication I have with Eva producing SOO much the first month that she requires help. She's quite docile & easy to handle.

I would greatly appreciate any advice to help me suggest a fair trade.
He charges $55/bale + delivery for pretty decent, mostly orchard grass.

... maybe we could even do a complete "swap". He's mentioned that a couple of his older cows haven't bred back.. Perhaps his cow to the processor & my Blossom to his herd?
Lots to consider. 🤔


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
You will not get near the quality of beef from an "older cow" that hasn't bred back.... unless you want 75% hamburger... Not a good my opinion...
I did not remember that Eva was 1/2 & 1/2... so even more reason for the calf to be good beef... so a trade on an older cow even less desirable... it will be tough meat... A cull cow is worth maybe $1.00 /lb if she is in good flesh... the calf is worth alot more than that for the "quality" of the meat. A cull cow will wind up getting cut up into some of the cheaper cuts of steaks and mostly ground into burger.... some roasts that get cooked in moist heat... stew meat and such.
Since she is 1/4 dairy 3/4 beef, her calves will be 1/8 and 7/8ths... any calf she has will fit in with any of his beef calves come sale time...
Unless he is killing a 2 yr old or so, I would not trade for beef....


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
Jimmie Cricket it is COLD out there!!!! 🥶 16° this AM!!
Eva wins... I caved... set up the small spare trough & filled. Both girls drank & drank. I wish I knew what they suddenly found objectionable about the bathtub filled to the brim with clean rain water...
Why is it that the 5min everyday chores turn into 30mins 'emergencies' when it's cold, pouring or dark. 😱
It's ok to pop out & feed in pj's & a sweater when you'll be back before the coffee finishes brewing.... But when it turns into more than 30mins & you're halfway done ... time to come in for LAYERS!!! 🥶🥶


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
How old is Eva’s calf? Blossom will make a real nice cow, being 1/4 Jersey and 3/4 Angus. She should bring top dollar. Replacement heifers are scarce these days.
How old and about what is her weight?


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
There has to be some stray voltage in the trough that you might not feel with your hand. Take the deicer out as soon as the weather warms up in the next day or 2 and see if that solves the problem. If so, it needs to be grounded and I am not an expert on that. We don't have any water troughs where there is electricity except at doug's barn... the rest are enclosed type that we normally don't have any trouble with except in extremely LONG lasting miserable bitterly cold temps.... There are water meters to check for stray voltage... Do you have a regular fence tester? Stick the probe in the ground and touch the tip into the water and see if it registers at all? It might show up as 1 light if it is like a 8-10 light tester... you might not feel it but their delicate muzzles will. Or try touching the side of the metal trough and the tip in the water.. If the metal is not grounded then it might show a faint light also. Probably will not show anything if it is just one of the 1 light testers that shows if it is on or not.


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
How old is Eva’s calf? Blossom will make a real nice cow, being 1/4 Jersey and 3/4 Angus. She should bring top dollar. Replacement heifers are scarce these days.
How old and about what is her weight?
She was a year in Nov.
As a wild guess... maybe 500lbs??? She's short, but a Chunk.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Can you get a full picture(s) of her... side, from back,
I would say she ought to weigh between 5-6 at least... just from age... and would go closer to the 6 wt... she will be 16-18 months come May/June when most will put bulls in to breed for spring calves next year... so a good age for breeding.