Canesisters 2024 journal


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
Funny Eva story. Or maybe 'funny' Dad story. Or, just my life amusing me.

For the first time in 2 weeks I actually slept a normal night (10pm-ish - 7am-ish). I got up, let the chickens out & opened up the yard for Eva to mow.
A little later I was drinking coffee & watching Reading Rainbow when I saw Eva GALLOP past the window hearing for the far pasture corner!
I flew out the back door to see what was going on & found her standing in the corner BELLOWING through the woods towards the neighbor's house. I was still in my nightgown with wild bedhead (us curly girls wake up looking like neglected Muppets) but I went out & walked around the pasture (in squeaking wet crocks) with her checking to see if it was time to open a new section. It looked to me like she had plenty of long grass.... but she's the boss.
So I gathered up some step-in posts & a roll of poly braid ‐ checked the next section of pasture fence, set up the next cross fence, took down the current cross fence - all while she paced the fence singing the song of her people at the top of her very deep Alto voice.
I actually remembered to turn the fence back on (!) and came back to the house to reheat my coffee. That's when I see that I got a call. It was Dad saying that there was an awful lot of mooing going on up here & that he didn't know if I was at work or not so he was going to come up & see if everything was OK. 🙄 I checked the time, it had been less than 30mins so I called him back thinking that I'd catch him before he drove up here.
Nope. He had apparently walked up as soon as he left the message. That would have been roughly around the time I was crossing the grazed part of the pasture, yanking up the old cross fence step-in posts & rolling up the old poly-braid.... in my nightgown, soaked from the waist down from the tall wet grass.
He said that since my car was here, he assumed I was sleeping but that Eva was in the field so all was good. 🤔 She was literally in my way the whole time.. no way he saw her but not me. 🤣
Oh well. At least she's got something to keep her busy so she won't anoy the neighbors with her singing.


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
Night 3 on deck.
Why is this so different from days?

On days : get up 4:30ish AM, work 7am to 7pm, come home & chill a couple hours, get a couple things done, go to bed. Repeat until days off. Go places, do things - happy camper getting stuff done.

On nights : get up 4:30ish PM, work 7pm to 7am, come home & crash accomplishing nothing. Repeat until days off. Sleep most of 1st day off, drag 🍑 all of the 2nd day getting bare minimums done, sleep most of 3rd day until going back to work @ 7pm.

I really hope something happens with the day shift openings soon.

Getting DARK here fast. Must be a storm rolling in. Gonna go chase the chickens inside before it hits.
...Who would've thought you could train chickens to run to the coop on command 😲

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Your body isn't used to that schedule!! Doesn't like it.

And as we geta few years gone by 🤫 not changing without a fight. It's why old farmers were early to bed, early to rise. Don't burn precious lamp oil, get your work done in daylight. 🤣

Sometimes, life's a bitch! :old:hugs

ETA...I couldn't do it. Turned down a job, great pay, because nights!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Several years ago... like 15 or more.... I did an interview for local Target warehouse... 3/12 hr nights= full time... benefits and all that.. Real good pay back then... probably $12-15 hr ? don't remember... Fine first interview, called back for 2nd interview and drug pee test all that.. walked through the warehouse and looked at what all it would entail..... couple days later got call that drug test was good... make an appt.... come back in, and go from there. I was going to work Fri-Sat-Sun nights for more than I made testing, and still test some a couple days a week...
After spending time in warehouse, I knew I would never be able to handle the stuck inside, and all night shift. 3 and 4 a.m. is nothing to me in comparison... but I have done early mornings since I was a teenager with my first horse. Used to get up, around 5a.m., take care of the horse and chickens then ride for 45 min and be back to get on the bus for school by 7.... work after school, babysit several nights a week or ride every night if not baby sitting... In bed by 9 or so on most school nights.....
Not a night person... so I am in awe of you doing it...

Hope the day position comes open for you....


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
Came home Mon AM feeling a little puny. Took some cold medicine & went to bed. Pretty much slept until Tues AM around 8.
That's when I went out to check on Eva & let the chickens out.... but.... no EVA!!! Some branches had dropped the fence.
I called, whistled, shook feed... nope.
Got dressed & drove over to the neighbor's driveway. Sure enough, when I got way to the back of their drive (there's several houses on that driveway) I see a crazy cow galloping around in a field.
I shook the feed, got out of the car & hand fed her a few cubes, then got back in hoping she'd follow.
She did. I'm sure we were QUITE THE SIGHT: me driving down the road with flashers on & a cow trotting along behind me. 🙄
That girl.
Once she was settled back in the pasture I took some more cold meds & went back to bed.
Working sick tonight. Hoping it'll be a fairly easy night.