Coronavirus Covid-19 Is it Affecting You and How?

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Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
Covid 19 cases are spiking in Texas as well as other states. There are already rumblings of shutting down the country again on the news this morning. I would advise everyone to avoid the rush and stock up on needed items now. At best, there will be plenty and you will have a lot of stuff to use up, feeling maybe a little bit foolish for hitting the panic button. At worst, we will repeat the whole horrible process again, only worse than before.

On the national news right now, 23 states have rising cases. Hospitalizations in Texas have doubled since May, our governor was just on the news asking people to wear masks to help cut down on the spread of the virus. Ya' think?

Us, personally, we are working the garden hard this summer. Many of what I have planted is just coming in and I will be busy canning and dehydrating. We put 2 lambs in the freezer and we sold 4 as live, took them with ours and the customers paid the processing. We have 2 pigs going to slaughter August 24, one is pre-sold, which ought to cover the cost of raising ours. We are picking up 30 Cornish Cross chicks August 12, I have 2 different people wanting 14, dressed. They didn't bat an eye when I quoted $6 a pound. Again, that will more than pay for what we keep. We had already raised a spring batch, this is the first time we are raising a fall batch.

So food wise we have plenty, no worries there, on consumables, we also have plenty. If the country shuts down again, we are prepared. Not to sound like the sky is falling, but are you ready for Round #2?

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
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North central florida
It's really bad here, Florida is getting dear neighbor was rushed to the hospital yesterday and is in the heavy hit area, sure hope she doesn't bring anything home with her as I will be taking care of her when she gets home... we are taking care of the animals and I will be taking extreme caution while I am around her...gloves, mask and bleach......this is going to be very interesting , the poor woman has been so careful about not getting the virus 😷


Herd Master
Nov 27, 2009
Reaction score
Wilmington, NC
Hey @B&B Happy goats - stay safe, OK? And praying for your neighbor. :fl

The news media love drama, of course, so naturally they are talking about numbers "spiking," but anyone who calls what's happening in North Carolina a "spike" isn't looking at the bigger picture. We've been averaging over 1000 new laboratory-confirmed cases per day for about two weeks. If you just look at the number of positive cases reported each day, there are obvious ups and downs in the numbers, but if you look at the number of completed tests, there are ups and downs when that's graphed out, too, and they are on a 7-day cycle. Clearly, that is influenced by very human factors like who is or isn't open for business on the weekends. Since the peaks and valleys on those two charts match pretty well, it seems to me that the average is a much more reliable indicator than the precise highs and lows on any given days, and the average here has been climbing at a pretty much steady rate since late April. An 8° incline isn't very steep; don't look like much of a spike to me. :idunno:rolleyes: As annoying as it may be for most folks, this looks to me like we are still in the upward part of the original curve. We've had "flattening the curve" preached at us to the point of numbness; I reckon we've managed that pretty well. The question remains whether our medical system can manage at whatever level the peak turns out to be, since it appears we haven't reached it yet. There is little doubt that the economy in general and some businesses in particular cannot stand being shut down again, and at this point, it would be rather like locking the barn door after the horse has been stolen. Some businesses are doing temporary shutdowns for a cleaning blitz when a customer or employee tests positive (and doing the contact testing dance too, of course), but a wholesale shutdown isn't likely to happen. Making masks mandatory in public places where social distancing is difficult is being considered by the lawmakers in Raleigh; some municipalities have already put that restriction in place. And the organizer of a protest group called REopenNC has created a "burn your mask challenge" in response. :rolleyes:


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
And the organizer of a protest group called REopenNC has created a "burn your mask challenge" in response. :rolleyes:

Thanks for the laugh! Burn your mask!! Hahaha!! It reminded me of Women’s Liberation some 40 or 50 years ago, burning their bras. LOL LOL BURN YOUR MASK!!! Hahaha!!!


Herd Master
Nov 27, 2009
Reaction score
Wilmington, NC
Thanks for the laugh! Burn your mask!! Hahaha!! It reminded me of Women’s Liberation some 40 or 50 years ago, burning their bras. LOL LOL BURN YOUR MASK!!! Hahaha!!!

It would be even funnier if it weren't true. :th I understand; most of the members of the group are people whose livelihoods are being negatively impacted by the restrictions, but with the numbers continuing to climb and hospitalizations at an all-time high, fighting for your "rights" like these folks are seems to me about as bright as a screen door on a submarine.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
DH had cataract surgery last year. One of his check ups was postponed due to being in the middle of Covid-19 panic. It was rescheduled to today. We must wear a mask, I have no problem with that. The best place to get sick is a doctor's office or the hospital. LOL LOL


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Hey, our state just got passed by Texas and Florida. We're 7th instead of 3rd or 4th now, and it looks like our new case and death rates are slowing. Not too shabby...Either that or I guess the other states are becoming really shabby. I wonder if the refrigerated semis they had set up waiting for our bodies are gone yet. Them going would be a relief. They are creepy.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Well, looks like I'll be looking for a good, accredited kindergarten and 2nd grade correspondence school come late summer, early fall. Our school district publicly announced at 11 pm last night that they've decided we're in phase two, and that their plan is, as of today to get everyone back in school, with masks only required for 2nd grade and above, and a 3 foot student spacing requirement and lots of rear end covering hand washing and sanitizing surfaces decrees. I see this working for two, maybe three weeks before teachers start falling ill, cases skyrocket (if we still have tests available at all), and family members start dying. So forget the refrigerated morgue trucks going away. I am sorely disappointed in this state. I guess we have plenty more time to get ahead in the numbers before fall, but I am very, very concerned. This state is heavy handed and will likely try to punish us and retaliate in some way for withdrawing the boys. I've got to keep us safe though.

172 new cases, and 48 new deaths in our state yesterday. Federal funding for tests is being slashed. I hope our state can afford it and doesn't start denying test requests again.

Meanwhile TN, where my parents live, are also in phase 2...and their phase two means the schools stay closed.

...I am :somad Don't mess with my family, and especially DON'T mess with my little kids (who, like all little kids, are like petri dishes, and couldn't wear a mask all day or stay 6 feet from the next kid because they are...little kids, they're barely out of the floor licking phase)
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