Devonviolet's - Kidding 2017


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
especially since norse was trying to give instructions in the second paragraph about statements that she will be "LAMBING" in a week or so.....:lol::lol::lol::gig:gig:gig
Sorry, I just couldn't resist that....

:gig :yuckyuck :gig

I did catch that, @farmerjan. :lol: I was going to let it go. But, now that you brought it up, I guess I won't let @norseofcourse off the hook after all. :lol:

I have to agree with you . . . some how it doesn't seem right to hold me to a protocol, which includes a mixed metaphor, that includes lambs with goats . . . especially since I don't even own sheep. :hu :lol: Seems like an unfair standard to hold me to! :eek: :duc

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
First- :ep:ep:ep:ep:ep:ep

So how did I miss this? How could you not tag me!? A LAMANCHA BABY! And you didn't tell me... :hit:hit:hit:hit

I am in :love:love:love:love:love:love:love:love

I have been peeking in on your journal as time permits then this thread caught my eye!


Congrats!!! However, I have to tell you, you did not follow the correct format of a kidding thread.

First, you post pictures of the expectant goat, along with statements from your vet/the seller/your local goat expert who all say she will be kidding 'in the next week or so'.

Then you post daily updates and pictures as your goat gets closer to kidding, describing all the signs that she's almost ready, and all the preparations you've been making.

At the three week mark, you start posting an increasing number of pictures of udder and vulva from every possible angle, and asking 'does she look like she's close?'

At the four week mark, you start cancelling work and giving up your entire social life, except for the posts here because we're the only ones who will listen to you talk about your pregnant goat anymore.

Along about page 36 of the thread, you start claiming that you are seriously seeing signs that she is Going To Start Kidding Any Minute Now and you're really sure this time! You re-read the Doe Code post for the 847th time, but you're so sleep deprived you nod off halfway through.

When you're finally too stressed out to think about anything besides kidding, your goat gives birth in the five minute break you take to refill the coffee that's the only thing keeping you going anymore. THEN you get to post about the birth! :)

Ruby's pregnant too, right? Maybe she'll give you a chance for a proper thread ;)

This is perfect! :yuckyuck Love it!


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
Sorry, @Southern by choice, I guess I was a bit distracted, this being my first kid. He really us a pretty boy, isn't he? :love Oh, and sich a cuddler!!! He just snuggles in so nice! It just makes me wanna get a Kiko Doe!

Way back when, you told me about goat math. For me it was a bit delayed. But, now it's setting in, BIG TIME!!!!!


Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
What's worse is the boys just steal my heart.
But you just can't keep all the boys. :(

I am really struggling with who I am willing to sell this year. I need to though because we retained so many goats from last year but only bred ONE yearling and she isn't due til June. So it will be next Jan before I can see the udders on all the goats we retained from Jan 2016. Big dilemma really. :(

I REALLY like our little Lemon Chiffon aka Stinkerbelle! :D I like everything about her. So I am keeping her. I am keeping a MM gopher earred buckling and the lamancha buckling... Not sure what GW will keep, but I KNOW she wants me to keep the lamancha does. I want to as well- believe me but reality is I cannot keep all that I want.
I find her with my lamanchas all the time.;)
We were feeding this am... she kept grabbing the lamancha does and buck... I kept saying hand me MY lamanchas! :lol:
Although I love one of her ND kids "splash"- Just love her. I told her I would buy her from her.
Like I need to buy a ND.:rolleyes: Maybe I'll trade her... a LM for a ND.

Nah- scratch that.:lol:

This whole showing thing adds so much perplexity. Glad for her and my kids but sometimes I think how much I liked it the way it was before.
It's all good though.


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
What's worse is the boys just steal my heart.
But you just can't keep all the boys. :(

I REALLY like our little Lemon Chiffon aka Stinkerbelle! :D.
Yeah! I don't know if it's because he's a little boy, but, I have fallen head-over-heels in love with him!!! I think DH is pretty smitten too! :love Every time we go into the hoop house - which is often these days :), we can't resist picking him up & cuddling him! So, Falina knows we are safe, we bend over & let her sniff. She sniffs all over our arms & faces. This would have been impossible a week ago!

We also do that before we put her on the milk stand. She is so calm & cooperative on the milk stand!! This morning, she actually let me hug her neck, before we let her down. :love :love :love

This morning, when we were both cuddling Woody, we decided we couldn't butcher him! I guess we'll have to sell him. We just can't afford to keep every sweet little boy that comes along. :hit

Oh my gosh! I LOVE the name Lemon Chiffon!!! You're makin' my mouth water!! :drool I would love to see a photo of her, if you have one. [But, of course you do!!! :lol:]

Last edited:


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
I am totally a novice, when it comes to milking a goat!!! :th

I have seen videos, of people milking cows and goats. But, never done it myself.

So, when I milked a pint of colostrum, from Falina, the other day, I was pleasantly surprised!!!

When we picked up Falina and Ruby, from @goatgurl, her sweet sister showed us her homemade milking machine, using a small battery operated vacuum pump connected to a 1/2 gallon canning jar, with clear tubing.

We ordered the parts, that we couldn't find locally, (can you believe I couldn't get a 60cc cath tip syringe at any of the local feed stores) ??? So, we got it out, put it together and . . . NOTHING!!! So, I started hand milking.

Considering I had never hand milked, I was happy I got a pint of colostrum! But, I could tell there was still quite a bit of colostrum in her udder. :hu

So, I called goatgurl and she walked me through the process & we figured out what I was doing wrong. Although, I was on the right track.

Next she made suggestions on using the milking machine. So, we made some adjustments, to the machine, and the next time got about 3 Tbsp of colostrum from both sides. :eek:

It turns out we didn't use one of the parts and need to epoxy it to the pump. We also need to get another length, of the 1/4" plastic tubing.

Even so, with the adjustments we made last night, we were able to get a little more colostrum this morning. With hand milking & using the machine, I was able to get a little more than a pint this morning. I know that doesn't sound like a lot. But, I was happy with it. :)


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
Wormwood (Woody, for short), was up & moving around this morning. He doesn't seem to mind when we pick him up & cuddle him. :)

While I was milking Falina, DH could see Woody, in the hoop house, standing around when all of a sudden, he jumped up and fell over. :lol: He got up right away, and acted like nothing had happened. :lol:

Just this morning, @goatgurl had asked me if he started jumping sideways. I'm thinkin' the fun is about to begin. :)


Herd Master
Mar 26, 2013
Reaction score
NE Ohio
:gig :yuckyuck :gig

I did catch that, @farmerjan. :lol: I was going to let it go. But, now that you brought it up, I guess I won't let @norseofcourse off the hook after all. :lol:

I have to agree with you . . . some how it doesn't seem right to hold me to a protocol, which includes a mixed metaphor, that includes lambs with goats . . . especially since I don't even own sheep. :hu :lol: Seems like an unfair standard to hold me to! :eek: :duc
Now, now, I'm not going to let you off the hook so easily either! You'll just have to forgive a shepherd who happens to like goats, too :) After all, we have a lot in common - there's a ewe code, and sheep math, and we get just as attached to some of ours. I'd extend an olive branch, but my sheep ate it :lol: