Drstratton - My Backyard Journey Journal


True BYH Addict
Mar 31, 2020
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Eastern WA - USA
Good morning! Well, I went out to take care of my animals today and inspect my rooster! I walked towards him saying good morning and he ran away from me per usual! I think my 5' 3" height must be much more imposing than someone who's 6' 2".... :gig I probably should put him down, but I will give him another chance, my son might shoot him though...lol! I will go out to the pen with him and see what happens!

My son gathered the eggs while we were gone! Had some for breakfast. The large egg was another double 58g.
Nice Basket 7.31-8.3.2020.jpg


True BYH Addict
Mar 31, 2020
Reaction score
Eastern WA - USA
Our weather is supposed to start cooling down by Thursday, 93 today, 97 tomorrow and 81 on Thursday! My rabbits are now 5 months old. I think I'm going to try and breed them for the first time on Thursday...hopefully the weather is cool enough and it will take! I will probably go out first thing in the morning, while it is still nice and cool! I will breed Daphne on Thursday and maybe breed Chloe on Friday! I'm trying to decide if I should breed them close together or wait a couple of weeks before I breed Chloe! Both options have there pros and cons!

chickens really

Herd Master
May 8, 2017
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The Funny Farm
I would wait before dispatching the Rooster. His job is to protect his Hens from predators and being he doesn't know your Son he over reacted. My Rooster was wary of strangers but comfortable with me. He never attacked people but displayed slight aggressive behaviour from a distance with strangers. If possible have your Son lock the Rooster out of the Coop where the eggs are laid while he collects them. Then open up the door as he leaves. Tossing a bit of scratch on the ground to get him out of the Coop during collecting might work. Is the Rooster still under a year old? If so he is a Cockerel and it takes time for them to learn what is a threat and what isn't.
I hope he doesn't start becoming more aggressive towards people. That's a definite trip to freezer camp. 👍


True BYH Addict
Mar 31, 2020
Reaction score
Eastern WA - USA
I would wait before dispatching the Rooster. His job is to protect his Hens from predators and being he doesn't know your Son he over reacted. My Rooster was wary of strangers but comfortable with me. He never attacked people but displayed slight aggressive behaviour from a distance with strangers. If possible have your Son lock the Rooster out of the Coop where the eggs are laid while he collects them. Then open up the door as he leaves. Tossing a bit of scratch on the ground to get him out of the Coop during collecting might work. Is the Rooster still under a year old? If so he is a Cockerel and it takes time for them to learn what is a threat and what isn't.
I hope he doesn't start becoming more aggressive towards people. That's a definite trip to freezer camp. 👍
Thank you for the insight. He's almost 5 months old, so still pretty young. He's not aggressive towards me or my husband. I told my son he was just protecting his flock and he will have to figure out how to keep him out of the pen when he has to go in there. For now I will keep him, but if he becomes aggressive towards us, he will become chicken and dumplins!