Emergency - Goat labor


Herd Master
Oct 19, 2012
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Talk about projectile placental fluid!
Now the sheep equivalent of this is why I always wear my rubber trousers when I'm 'out there'.....they are the singularly least attractive garment that has ever been formulated by man....the 'small' would fit around our oil tank and slowly descend over the course of the time that I'm out there....I think I'll get some suspenders to hold them up. The 'large' looks exactly the same size as the small!

The fluid is bad enough when it's warm, but when it's cold and all over the floor so you're slipping and sliding....Nasty.

It's always best to examine the pregnant mum......just as long as your hands are spotless or (sterile) gloved and lots of lubricant is used. 'If you don't put your hand in it, you're going to put your foot in it' is said around here.

Carla D

True BYH Addict
Oct 26, 2018
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Wilson, Wi
Now the sheep equivalent of this is why I always wear my rubber trousers when I'm 'out there'.....they are the singularly least attractive garment that has ever been formulated by man....the 'small' would fit around our oil tank and slowly descend over the course of the time that I'm out there....I think I'll get some suspenders to hold them up. The 'large' looks exactly the same size as the small!

The fluid is bad enough when it's warm, but when it's cold and all over the floor so you're slipping and sliding....Nasty.

It's always best to examine the pregnant mum......just as long as your hands are spotless or (sterile) gloved and lots of lubricant is used. 'If you don't put your hand in it, you're going to put your foot in it' is said around here.
They do make women’s rubber coveralls and suits. There are a whole bunch on amazon.com if you are interested. I bet they would be much more comfortable and functional if they fit you, not an oil tank. Here’s a possible set if you are interested. 1BAC073C-D166-4A3A-B3BF-CA74C8E28032.png

Carla D

True BYH Addict
Oct 26, 2018
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Wilson, Wi
Thank you.....have they been tested with buckets of amniotic fluid? Only joking....I'll take a look....they need to be extra heavy duty round here Tee hee.
You could search for chest waders, women’s rubber waders, and try looking at places that sell fishing supplies. That may be the best place to find them in women’s sizes. Just a thought. I imagine kidding could be a many hours type of thing and comfort or well fitting would at least make moving around in easier and them weighing less would too. Just thought I throw that out there for you and anyone else who frequently does kidding.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
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Shadow Hills, CA
I wish I had known there were such things when we had a couple dozen does kidding, along with a sheep flock, every year. Especially with the Nubians who seem to delight in producing 4 at a time! It seems that the more there are in there, the more tangled they get. The worst one I ever had was a doe with 4 kids in her and the first presented as just the backbone!!! Nothing to get hold of, no room to work, I was pushing the little guy back in to reposition him, and mama was trying her hardest to push him out! Finally managed it, and all 4 were fine. She hadn't shown any sign of a problem except that her labor was taking a while and she had kidded easily before. That is why I like using a marking harness to pinpoint the kidding dates. And why I don't wait to act if I suspect trouble. And why I am practically housebound (barnbound?) during lambing/kidding season! LOL

3 ewes are due on Tuesday and Wednesday. :fl One has definitely uddered up. One hasn't shown any sign of her udder filling out, the 3rd is a FF with a baby udder. Those 2 both showed that they marked again so if they don't lamb, I have to wait another 3 weeks for the next due dates. I am hoping that they lamb, and the remarking was the ram playing around. :rolleyes: Probably going to be lambing on Christmas Eve.


Herd Master
Oct 19, 2012
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Probably going to be lambing on Christmas Eve.
Well....I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing....Xmas Day lambs...a joy, being up until the wee small hours of Xmas Day in (if your climate is anything like ours)Wind, cold and rain/snow....something of a pain. So ' a mixed blessing' about covers it.
Sheep vary such a lot with regards to the udder....some look like a cow for a month before lambing and others only udder up as they are giving birth.
Best of luck all round.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Thanks, I only hve the 3 left to go. I think if Dorset Yellow does not lamb on Wednesday or Thursday I ill turn her back out with the rams until December 21. Her next due date would be the 23rd. Same with Lil Sweetie who showed an udder before Ewegenie, but seems to have stopped activity in that area. Her second lambing date is also the 23rd. I think if they do not lamb this week, I will turn them back into the field with the rams until the 21st of December. I don't like confining my ewes in small jugs for long periods before they lamb. I think it makes for problems. My jugs are only 5' x 10'. The exercise before they lamb is good for them. I ill pst ll other activity on my other site - Ridgetop.

Louannx: How are your darlings coming along? I bet they jumping around and just adorable by now. Let us see more pix as they grow!


Overrun with beasties
Oct 22, 2018
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Hi all,

Well Ridgetop: I love taking their pictures so here is where we are. They will be two weeks on Wednesday in two days. Dotti did not get a full bag till about 8 days after labor. She went from a pint or two to at least maybe half a gallon of milk or so. I was a little concerned with Brawn, my white buckling as he is on the skinny side. But he is just as active as Coco, if not MORE. LOL. He is always nursing and I hold Dotti's udder 3 times a day for 20 minutes to make sure he is getting what he needs. I realized, Coco was knocking him off. :) She wants whichever teat he is on. Other than that, things are going really good. I was really thankful that Dotti was such a good mama and some of the stuff she does just cracks me up. Goats are such a joy! And I believe they think I am part of their herd. The kids are always all over me waiting for their hugs and kisses!! :)