Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Totally agree with you on the world. It's ugly and getting uglier. I swear it's a contest on who can be the worst.
On to peaches - I grabbed some off DS and DDIL's tree yesterday when I went and checked on their cats and watered the potted plants. Your peach pie comment gave me the idea to make something similar. Not enough peaches for a pie, but I think I'll do a puff pastry "tart" or whatever you'd call it with peach slices.
Got to use up more tomatoes today (again)canning salsa or marinara - it'll be nice come winter.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Time to get things inventoried and see what all I have and don't have.
I did that last week 😁 over canned last yr, so I'm in pretty good shape there...thankfully so, as garden was bad. There's things like butter to buy, cheeses to make...hope some fall stuff can be grown -- cabbage, greens, broc, & I'm gonna try! Freezers pretty full, beef low but rest good. I'm canning another 15# chicken breasts today. Made some preserves last week. Will freezer a goat this yr. Overall 👍👍
it's a contest on who can be the worst
AMEN to that one!!! :duc and it's scary!!!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Just got a rather unexpected short rain... sun was out and then it got a little cloudy, then it all of a sudden was raining... a straight down just rain... Radar had shown some wispy little bit of green, then all of a sudden it developed and we got a thunder rumble, then it rained. 10-15% chance.. and it hit us. Oh well, killed my idea of going out to see if I could get some more of the weed eating done.

It has stopped and is heading east and a little south... but the grass is soaked again. Good rest of the day to spend in here and "do something".....


Herd Master
Jan 13, 2010
Reaction score
Southern Washington State
I was talking with another volunteer at the fair, in the canning section of the exhibit hall. The group put up a 72 hour emergency food display, with bfast, lunch, dinner, water, and then packets of coffee and drinks. All in canning jars.

Anyhoo, I was carefully telling her I'm ready for the Cascadian Subduction Zone event, should it happen while I'm still alive. She told me she's not worried about that. She's worried about Civil Unrest. Got me to thinking...


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Monday evening... Was another hot and muggy one but no rain today... 66 but up to 90 , mostly sun all day.

Took DS to hospital to get the 2nd round of botox shots, that they have decided to try as some have had good relief from migraine type headaches from them. Was there about an hour or so, and DS dozed most of the way home... said they didn't hurt quite as much this time.

Got home and did a few things here, but then left about 1 as she could fit me in for a massage... I have felt a little better from the adjustment last Friday... not near as sharp a pain with the shoulder... it still hurts but not to where I nearly "die" from the sharp pains when I go to lift it.... so the adjustments on the neck that he did, really did help.
I haven't had a massage in over 2 weeks, and the muscles were really knotted up again... but she really worked on them, and it is a little better also. But she even said she cannot believe how "hard" the knots are when she works on them.... and it hurts when she does start to work out the knots... it really feels like "pine knots" like from a tree, when she starts on them....

I did next to nothing when I got home.... then it was dark, and I ate a little and am going to bed.

Did get the 500+ cow herd scheduled for tomorrow afternoon... will get the hoses out of the car and the boxes all put in. DS said Tuesday would work for him... so will get it done.

Wed is 10 a.m. dentist appt for routine cleaning and I guess they will check the place they pulled the one that had the abscess.... still tender and sensitive to cold....
Thursday is another trip for him to doctors 1 1/2 hours south....

I might see if I can get anyone put in for Wed aft testing... or even Thursday aft.

We had sun today and tomorrow is supposed to be pretty nice most of the day... then rain/effects from the Hurricane Debby should be getting here and might last into Sat?

Need to get on these peaches... hope tomorrow morning to get them in the crock pot for the ones I am going to cook down for peach butter. The ones we picked up off the ground are pretty bruised and rotting fast.

Heading to bed.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
In for some tomato sandwiches. Neighbor called and wanted me to come get some corn, he told DS and he never passed on the message. He has all kinds of ripe tomatoes, so got a half dozen BIG ones for sandwiches, got about 2 dozen ears that are getting "mature".... will see what they taste like. Got a couple cantaloupe too... so got a bag of ice, put them all on ice since I have to go test that 550+ cow herd.
So, ate and going in to make some sandwiches for this evening. I have that ham that needs to be sliced and finished up...
Got all the boxes in the car, everything ready for that.

Working on the peaches. When I went and got the corn, it's next door to DS's house.... so checked on those peach trees... they are not ripe yet. The ones that never got moved to my lot.....

So, time to get up and get some more stuff done in the house, finish up getting these done. The peach butter should be cooked down and ready to can tomorrow. I can do that later after the dentist since right now there are no farms scheduled.

It was only down to 70 and is 86 and hazy ..... VERY MUGGY.....We are looking at remnants of Hurricane Debby to affect us Thurs through Sat.... so other than work or travel to dr appts.... will be inside work. Lawn will need mowing again before I get the last of the weed eating done :th :th :th :barnie:barnie:hit:hit:he:he


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Home from testing... it went fine... no mistakes or problems with the computer work so that is good. Had a couple ID #'s that someone typed in wrong but I just looked at the numbers on cows before and after and saw where they hit the wrong number and just fixed it for them...
Got home about 10:30...
Got on here, made a few comments etc... Car is backed up near the front porch, to unload all the boxes of bottles to get put in order. I will get them in the house but doubt I will get them all boxed before the dentist at 10. HAVE to remember to take the anti-biotics in the morning before I go. I will see what time I get to whether I get the samples packed. If I am up at 7, they might get done in time before I leave. Otherwise they will get done after and I will take them to the UPS store before 6..... DS wants a couple things from Sharp Shopper, so will go there after the appt.... just a "jog" in the trip home so not a big deal. I need some bread for some more tomato sandwiches anyway.

Calling for some serious rain to come in from "Debby" ... it hit SC with some heavy rain, back out to sea, supposed to come back to shore and forecasts are anything from 2 to 10 inches.... Thursday and into Friday...So tomorrow I need to go through the garden and get a few things done and "ready" fo the rain/storm coming through.
We will be driving to the dr appt 90 miles that weather..... UGH.....I told DS I want to go to Rural King as the calf likes their "cheaper grain" .... it is less than $10 a 50 lb bag.... and the ones that come in the barn, eat it good and there are oats in it that I can see so ..... oats are a good grain for calves.... That's $2-4 less a bag than the "cheaper stuff" here .... so may as well bring several bags home when we are close to there....

Time to get a shower, dump all these clothes in the dirty clothes basket...Laundry will wait for the weekend at least.

DS said that the Explorer AC is done... don't know how much, don't care... at least that will work now. DS is going to take his dually (gramps' copper truck he calls it, because it is a copper colored paint) to the friend and let him do something on that; so will trade trucks again... instead of taking me down there to get it... eventually will have to chauffeur to pick up the "last vehicle"....

It is so muggy/sticky... 70 last night, 90 during the day with high humidity.... one of the milkers made the comment about how hot it was at 8:30 or so.... not cooling off alot.