Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes... Yep... 59 and counting backwards:hide:hide:hide:hide:gig:gig:gig:gig:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::ya:ya:ya:ya:ya:ya:ya:yaBoy don't I wish.... '53.... where the HE// did the time go...

And I did get the clothes on the line, early. It was partly sun and clouds and close to 60 at 7:30 when I hung them... started out at 54 and hit 70 today due to the high clouds but was more sunny than clouds for part of the day. Plus there was a light breeze.

Had a GREAT massage... and she really worked on the shoulder and then made me nearly die with the legs and all... but I felt alot better when I managed to get off the table... Have spent some time looking at the muscle groups and the way the "fascia" gets "stuck " together... and how the muscles should "slide" over each other and with age and repetitive use, they will actually stick together which restricts movement and makes more pain, which makes you do less, which makes them stick together more... vicious cycle... and I seem to have a little better use after she gets done... need to do it more like once a week for several weeks to get it more loosened up and for it to move more freely.
But anyway... great way to start the day..... Then I had to go and get the racking list from the farm I did on Sat since the printer didn't work, and the other "main cattle guy" acted like it was no big deal that I couldn't get it Sat... said yeah, he knew the printer needed a new toner cartridge....LIKE REALLY..... 35 miles one way... in the OPPOSITE direction of where I was.... Just ticked me off with the cavalier attitude....

Finally got home and got things a little "buttoned up" here... windows on all the vehicles up, got the samples finally packed... got the clothes in off the line and they were dry... DS texted and said the cattle meeting was at 6:30..... did I want to go... so he stopped and picked me up at almost 6 to go... It was the board meeting, but then he took me out to supper since neither of us had eaten...

He had been getting things put inside and some other stuff done... also went and got the 2 feed/silage carts that he bought at the sale here local that we had gone and looked at... seems the one with the headlocks, also has the original metal "hay rack" that goes in the middle inside, that was cut out of it by the previous owner... at the farm where the wagon was from... they said death in the family and they were no longer farming, estate type sale... and when we looked at it, he had asked about it; since I said to him.... it had the rack/cradle originally like the other one, with the addition of the headlocks... and someone had taken a torch and cut it out... so when he asked, they contacted the owner, and they said yes, it was at the farm and it could go with the silage cart... so DS asked about it when he picked it up as he wants to get it before it gets "forgotten about".... and then, we will weld it back in place to use for hay bales inside and then can feed the silage around the outside... and be able to catch the cows in the headlocks if we need to, like when we caught up the one group out at pasture and I took fecal samples and we wormed the cows with the pour on wormer last winter. Anyway, seems that they had to be moved today.... online sale ended Friday night... Paid more than I thought he was going to, but they are in real good shape... but we are going to paint the inside "floor" of the cart to stop rust and such... before we use them.....

So, home and got the samples in the car to drop off in the morning... I have a chiropractor appt tomorrow... forgot about it .... and the bred cow sale tomorrow night at the stock yard that I want to go to and see what things are doing... Some will depend on the weather... but they are not saying we will get much wind or "bad storm type" weather... just bands of some rain... and we will welcome it.
Want to go to Sharp Shopper since I will be out and the rain makes it unlikely I will do anything outside either... so make a 1/2 day or so of being out then can go to the nurse cow pasture and feed some grain and check on the calves... make sure the tubs are getting water for the smaller calves... and then come home and do stuff inside until the cow sale... don't have to go to it... but I am interested to see what prices are doing.

I'm getting ready to go to bed. It was barely sprinkling when I came in... It will be very welcome to get some rain and give our dry hard ground something to drink. Temps are supposed to be in the 70's all week, so not a cold rain, and nights down in the mid 50's so really good soak in weather.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Had a good day overall. Raining in spurts some light sprinkles, some more steady. Went to Chiropractor, he said it felt like the shoulder was looser as he adjusted it a bit and did normal down the spine....

Went to Goodwill but nothing interesting... came on and went to DMV because my license was due for renewal and I have not been able to get on the website... if I do the "forgot the password" thing, it wants my e-mail and it has my old e-mail that got compromised/hacked and was locked up... so I couldn't get a "temp password" to get into DMV site... was going to stop and do it, and kept forgetting... well.... yesterday was the day... so explained all that with the e-mail and all that, they renewed it, gave me a temp extension paper to carry and new one will be in the mail.... at least it wasn't a big deal. Gave me a sheet with a temp pin to use to go in and change the password...after they changed the e-mail address there. Don't know how long it takes to register, because I tried it a bit ago and it says e-mail not valid with this account. I don't really need to get right in there, but wanted to get it "fixed" with a new password on the new e-mail... and file it with all the other passwords you have to have... tried to keep the same one for most things, but mtg co. keeps making me change it, and I try to change bank account passwords, so got to keep a "cheat sheet" with them all written down...more stupid stuff to keep track of.
Then dropped samples at UPS and came home. Looked at the rain gauge and it was about 1/2 inch so far... been very slow and every bit is soaking in... will dump it tomorrow if it stops raining...

DS has been at his father's working on cleaning his pool for closing up for the winter... of course in the rain.... and he got back to me and was going to the parts store, and I said that he may as well go from there to the cow sale. There was no sense in him coming back here and I was not going to drive up there special just for that in the rain since we are not really looking for cows... I just figured that if he was here and wanted to go, we could go up.... I wanted to see what prices were going to do, but we are not planning to buy anything... sort of a "social night out".... but I can just hunker down here and stay in. Suits me. I have a pile of clothes to fold, can put on a movie, and eat left over Mexican from last night...

I will go up to the calves here in a bit as the rain is letting up some and radar shows it to pretty much stop for a little bit.... then another wave to come on and be more rain this evening/night... which is WONDERFUL......

59 and up to 68.... cloudy all day.... Got lots I can do inside so will just stay in and stay dry.