Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Back in the house... Went up to do the cow and it started to snow about 1.... came down real good for a bit... little stuff then big fat flakes. Got the road covered in spots. It was slushy to go up to the pasture and that was good as the tires "ate down" into the softer snow... and will make tracks to stay in if it does get alot colder... but it will continue to melt and run down the driveway and all the places there is a little slope.
The 4 calves were in the barn, some wet on their backs so decided to come in when the snow started. Fed grain and the cow was down at a hay pile... where there was a roll that they must've really liked as it was pretty much gone... most of the beef cows were at the other roll that is 2/3 gone... She came to the barn when I called and came in... had already put the grain in and calves were eating on one side and the cow came in the gate on "her side" and went right to eating at her place... I put a full sq. bale of hay in the bunk in several places so they can all eat without fighting. Left them in although the calves can go out if they want. The black one will go out to his mother to nurse sometime...

It has not gotten as cold as quick as I thought... was 39 when the recording thermometer reset (like 1 or 2 a.m.) and has dropped over the course of the day... but is still holding at 34, so still melting out there... It is still snowing a little but tapering off. Radar shows it stopping like around 5-6 or so... maybe some snow continuing in the western portions into WVa..... and temps dropping. But for now, will gladly take the above freezing melting still going on.

Going in to see about baking something maybe... then a movie and working on some more sorting?

DS called to see if stove was working okay... and said that Jason wanted to cancel the vet check Wed since it was going to be sooo cold... he said they are still going to pull off a bunch of bigger calves and sell Friday... then maybe try to get them preg checked the following week... it is supposed to get back into the 40's....Not my call... really don't care at this point.
I asked DS if he would be willing to go do the 500 cow herd.... they have heat in the parlor... He said it will be cold but if they wanted to, it would be okay... Have to do Wed since I am not cancelling my chiropractor appt Tuesday. We'll see... I will call the farm in the morning...

Looked outside and see breaks of blue so the snow is about over... maybe got 1 inch ...


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Temps have dropped to 22 so far..
Heard an owl outside tonight for about 15 minutes...

We still have snow from that 5-6 inches with all the ice on top... but the snow from today was nothing... doubt it was 1/2 to 1 inch... can't tell there was any on the roads or anything.. The rest was slushy all day so that was good... but it will be hard as a rock now...

Saw an E-mail from our gen mgr... another tester is gone... she passed away last week. She had pancreatic cancer.... had quit testing this past year... so very sad... I knew her from before I started testing.... she tested on 2 different farms I milked on before the wreck in 1989.... She was 6 months older than me...


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Temps down to 14. Sun is out, it actually is up to 28 and hit 32 on the recorder when the sun was on it..

New stove heats it up fast... just ordered one of those small fans that goes in the top of the doorway to distribute the heat into another room... that will help to warm up the other rooms and not over heat the LR. The only thing is the stove does not get as hot on the top as they said it would... I am not thrilled about that... There is a sheet of steel baffle that directs the heat out but there is a space between that and the top and it does not heat the top the way I would like. Wondering if it can be modified... something to look into. I can put my gloves on the top and they barely get warm. I was really thinking of it for something more like a cooking top. Well, will get through this year and then look at it after the heating season is over... maybe somehow get a couple of small holes cut in the baffle to get the top to be hotter. No different than a woodstove type stove. I am not sure it would even evaporate any water in a pan on top and I really wanted that ... Especially since I woke up with a bloody nose again this morning from the low humidity air.

Well, we NOW have a new president... and vice president... GOD FORBID anything happens to him, at least we will have 4 years of some more conservative policies. I listened to part of it, pretty decisive... and a little slap in the face of the precious administration... which I think he could have maybe done less of... but we will see what happens from here.
I do admire that he did say he would reinstate and PAY ALL BACK PAY, to the service members that were discharged for refusing to take the covid shots.... whether you took them or not... believe in them or not, it was not right to FORCE them on people.... especially with religious objections, whether you think people did that as a "way around"... and some did.... but people still should have the right to decide what they put in their body when it was such a new shot... which was not a true vaccine...

Republican administrations are often not favorable to farmers in general, but even most farmers I know have said that they know we have to get back to some common sense in this country. It might hurt our cattle prices, and we are looking at that possibility... but we need for things to get back to sensible.

Also heard the now former president, did an "encompassing" list of pardons at the LAST MINUTE, for many of his family and close friends.... I feel sorry for the former president, he will live out what is left of his life declining in the sadness of the disease he is suffering from. No matter who, dementia and alzheimers are a horrendous way to live out your life. I am just glad that he is no longer in office to do more damage to the state of the country with the managers behind him that are pulling the strings.


True BYH Addict
Golden Herd Member
Sep 20, 2024
Reaction score
Eastern NC
Temps down to 14. Sun is out, it actually is up to 28 and hit 32 on the recorder when the sun was on it..

New stove heats it up fast... just ordered one of those small fans that goes in the top of the doorway to distribute the heat into another room... that will help to warm up the other rooms and not over heat the LR. The only thing is the stove does not get as hot on the top as they said it would... I am not thrilled about that... There is a sheet of steel baffle that directs the heat out but there is a space between that and the top and it does not heat the top the way I would like. Wondering if it can be modified... something to look into. I can put my gloves on the top and they barely get warm. I was really thinking of it for something more like a cooking top. Well, will get through this year and then look at it after the heating season is over... maybe somehow get a couple of small holes cut in the baffle to get the top to be hotter. No different than a woodstove type stove. I am not sure it would even evaporate any water in a pan on top and I really wanted that ... Especially since I woke up with a bloody nose again this morning from the low humidity air.

Well, we NOW have a new president... and vice president... GOD FORBID anything happens to him, at least we will have 4 years of some more conservative policies. I listened to part of it, pretty decisive... and a little slap in the face of the precious administration... which I think he could have maybe done less of... but we will see what happens from here.
I do admire that he did say he would reinstate and PAY ALL BACK PAY, to the service members that were discharged for refusing to take the covid shots.... whether you took them or not... believe in them or not, it was not right to FORCE them on people.... especially with religious objections, whether you think people did that as a "way around"... and some did.... but people still should have the right to decide what they put in their body when it was such a new shot... which was not a true vaccine...

Republican administrations are often not favorable to farmers in general, but even most farmers I know have said that they know we have to get back to some common sense in this country. It might hurt our cattle prices, and we are looking at that possibility... but we need for things to get back to sensible.

Also heard the now former president, did an "encompassing" list of pardons at the LAST MINUTE, for many of his family and close friends.... I feel sorry for the former president, he will live out what is left of his life declining in the sadness of the disease he is suffering from. No matter who, dementia and alzheimers are a horrendous way to live out your life. I am just glad that he is no longer in office to do more damage to the state of the country with the managers behind him that are pulling the strings.
I was thinking about your stove. I wonder if it's supposed to be energy efficient, with an insulated top, and that's why it's not hot.


Herd Master
Jan 13, 2010
Reaction score
Southern Washington State
My friend who is building in MO, just bought this one. I think its quite expensive tho.

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