Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Already am trapped inside with the rain, and the bugs are trying to come in for shelter..'s a dang war I'm telling ya ! :rant:tongue:rant
We have the invasion of centipedes in the house. Not just us, but all over this area. It made the news in Tyler. At least they die quickly in the house and we sweep them up, but they sure are annoying. They are outside by the ka-jillions. I hate them. Plus the flies! It was worse when it rained every durned day, there were ka-jillions of them too.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Cool 59 this morning. Sun is coming over the hill. No rain in the forecast except a few "stray pop up showers".....not going to see it here. I am going to go out and put the water on again for the other tree.....

I am going in to eat some breakfast. Knees hurt terribly this morning.... they might "loosen up" a bit once I get moving around. End of Oct is not going to get here any too soon.

I will probably go get the tractor and rake around noon or so... ought to take me a couple hours to rake the sorghum... Then the vet preg check later. Let's hope they are all pregnant and looking at calves in Sept.....

Thinking I might get out the lawn mower and see about getting some of that done... at least I will be sitting....we'll see after I eat. I am going to do dishes also so they can dry and be put away later....

Quiet morning....

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
ka-jillions that a thousand jillions? How many in a jillion? New math evades me :hide 🤭
Quiet morning...
Unusual. I'm having a quiet morning right now, just no desire to rush. :idunno but need to get going. Too many long days do that to you. My back and shoulders are tight from all the lifting, bending and twisting yesterday and day I know how you feel with loosening up. Grin and bear it comes to mind.:old😁


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Wednesday evening. Got going finally... knees are not wanting to last til Oct..... GRRRR:he:th.
Got on the tractor at noon and went and raked the sorghum.... It was a nice, breezy day. Left there and got to the barn about 2:15... went and got a large lemonade at Wendy's and came back and got things ready in the barn. Vet got there just as DS got there at 3. Got the cows in and got them checked. Ultra sound. 6 pregnant 10 open. I was suspecting that. So the pregnant ones are back out to go with the rest as soon as we get that group in this weekend and get the calves off; most all the steer calves had been sold so it is just heifer calves in there....(The cows were already checked late last fall before our retired vet friend had his shoulder surgery....) Of the open ones, he put 4 back with the bull as well as 2 that had calved in the last 2 they didn't get checked obviously.

I am not happy that they got put out with the bull now, that means they will be calving in late May/June all according to when they come in heat now that they are out at the pasture with the bull.... I don't agree with 2 he put back with the bull but they are his cows. Of the 6 left, 5 will get sold probably on Friday. The other one is a young cow that has been open twice now... she had one calf and did a so-so job so I didn't care if she was open. His cow.... he says she will make a good beef... he has one scheduled for Nov I think. She is in good flesh...
The one that was mine in that group is pregnant...of course she gave DS a problem getting her to come up the alley in the chute and he had a fit about she should have been sold...he just hates my cows that have some dairy in them except when he gets some benefit out of them. They should calve in Oct/Nov; several are 5 months+, 2 are very pregnant and ought to calve in Sept. I am hoping that we can get the cows that need preg checking from now on, done by this vet. The ultrasound is very accurate... and he is a nice vet to work with. He also comes down this way twice a month to a dairy and once a month to a different dairy... so we ought to be able to co-ordinate it a little better.
I want to start getting my heifers bangs vaccinated again; the ones I want to keep for replacements... didn't do the ones last year because it never suited DS; and have to do it before they are 12 months...So the calves getting weaned off in the next few weeks could get vaccinated before Nov.... before I go get the knees done. I am going to work on getting the calves in up at the nurse cow pasture.... with grain in the pen, so they can come in the creep gate... and see if there are any I want to keep in there. Most of the cows/calves in there are mine....I am thinking that I may just work towards maybe keeping more of mine up there at that pasture... just pay that rent myself... and not have to keep dealing with DS's attitude towards some of my cows... When one of his does something he doesn't like he just cusses them... but when it is one of mine he gets all pissy and says they ought to be sold..... kinda gets old.

So I went with him to take the 6 cows and 2 calves to the pasture... treated one calf for pinkeye and banded him... there's a good amount of grass at this pasture... it is where I have been bush hogging. Then he came back to the barn and I came home. He said that we probably will ride together to the farm tomorrow unless he finds he has to stay late at work... but he can call me and I can go on without him then... he is supposed to get off at 2:30.... but today it was about 2:50.... I need to be at the farm by 4 to get the samplers on the milk lines.... so we need to leave here by about 3 because if we are set up they will start at 4:15 or 4:20 instead of normal 4:30.... at least it is supposed to be a decent temp again tomorrow. Today was really nice. Got up to 89 but a light breeze so very comfortable.

PT in the morning, in the pool, so I am going to get going and make sure I have everything ready....will go from there to the store and get some of the ice cream I saw the other day.... bring it home and have everything ready to go for tomorrow afternoon.

Going out to turn off the water... and quit for the night.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
This is going to be short because I am tired and knees are ... well, let's just say they are about normal after a long day.

Mentioned in the coronavirus thread... DS heard today that gov of Va is REQUIRING all state employess be vaccinated or submit to weekly testing... he will not get vaccinated, has already had the virus last year... and with the Lymes disease it has been suggested that he does not get the vaccine. He is going to submit to the testing for now... and exploring the disability retirement in the future. There are several that say they will retire... and several younger guys with 5 years or less that refuse to get the vaccine and say they will quit... there are jobs everywhere begging for workers... It's a mess....
God Bless Florida gov Ron DeSantis for standing up to Biden's bullying comments....

Did PT in the pool and it helped to limber up my legs..... then did the 500+ cow herd with DS this evening.... left here at 3:15 to set up, and we got back home at 10.... it went good except the last 2 groups seemed to drag....

DS said that it is good I have not quit testing yet as he may need to "help me" more for some income.... and since it is still in my name as tester.,... I can pay him under the table....if it comes to that.

The closing on the big farm was today.... said if he had known about the gov mandate... he might have thought twice about going through with it.... we will see.... we discussed alot of things this afternoon... and with this new wrinkle in the work situation... we are talking about what he needs to get out of the farming to pay the mortgages and operating many cows and such..... to have enough calves to sell yearly..... and are going to talk some more about costs per cow yearly, and how many we can carry.... this year with the dryness will be the test of what we can manage to graze, and still be able to feed....amount of hay we have made so far and what we will need.... and I told him that we need to come up with a number that is practical for me to have in the herd in exchange for the amount of time I put in like raking hay and checking cows.... and other monetary contributions that I make in vaccines or paying for vet trips... things like that . I told him that we need to have a better working plan.... and that some of his cows that I hate, I don't tell him to sell them just because they are PITA's all the time... and there are a couple that I wish would come up open because they are miserable to work with.....
He was in a much more reasonable mood today..... he was in a bad one when he got to the barn for the vet check yesterday... so that did not help with the attitude towards my cow being a contrary B$#@H either.... we'll see... I still think that I want to transition to having more of my cows together in one place... it is going to take some better co-operation to make this deal float with the newly acquired farm.... one thing though... at least now anything he does will be for his benefit and not the landlord.... we will see how it goes.
His work is going to be the big consideration at this point now.....he can "help" a couple of his friends as far as working goes... "for no pay , of course", so it doesn't mess up disability if it comes to that....and we are talking maybe my being able to do a little more buying and selling... speculating on some of these cows that I think we can make some money on..... and me "paying for their board" .... contributing for their feed and such... and growing as much or more corn next year for silage....
With the dryness, the corn is looking decent... it may not make the ears if we don't get some rain very soon.... but it is better looking than alot in the area among corn that is not irrigated.... but it will make silage that we can add some protein too and still make reasonable feed.
He is also going to get in the calves off the cows on the hill and see about selling a load of heifers while the prices are still holding. I agree... if we can sell 5wt heifers for 1.30/lb... so say 650 each... and I can turn around and buy some 7-8 wts for less than 1.00/lb.... ready to breed now... we will be ahead... or even buy some with calves on the ground or due to calve soon.... for less than 1,000 a head... with the dryness and people already starting to cut back...we can come out ahead....
Also going to push a bit for selling some more beef.... I will buy another freezer if need be, so that we can keep our appts... and have beef when someone wants some.... it will get cut up the way we want....if we do not have it sold right then, with a customers instructions..... but if it gets a little sparse in the stores again.... we can make some money to put towards the farm costs.... going to sit and do some more brainstorming.... no matter what we do it will be a gamble as is any/every livestock enterprise..... but......

Gotta go to bed... this was going to be short... oops :hide :hide:th

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
I sure understand the throws you're feeling with jobs and farm income. I'm there, just hugely smaller but, all about how to make something from the farm "pay" enough to keep afloat. We know our costs keep going UP!! With livestock there is always the feed bill, no matter what else is happening. Income is my reason for adding some meat goats to the farm. There's that investment first. :confused: But a decent market for the kids.

Is the farm purchase one you and DS have been leasing or added property acreage? Is the one you have your cows at nearby you? The one you say you'd pay lease yourself....

It would be workable to have help with the farm testing...even take on another or two to offset. Of course, DS would need to develop a respect for dairy cows!🤭

Do you still have the sheep?


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
he will not get vaccinated, has already had the virus last year... and with the Lymes disease it has been suggested that he does not get the vaccine.
I find nothing that says people who have had Lyme should not get the Covid vaccine. I think he needs a better reason than "it has been suggested". By WHOM? What reputable medical authority?

God Bless Florida gov Ron DeSantis for standing up to Biden's bullying comments....
Florida governor makes it illegal for entities to require masks.
Florida Covid cases have more than doubled in the last 14 days, hospitalized up 116%, deaths up 112%
49% of the Florida population is vaccinated

I'm sure there is no connection.

NY Times


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Selling beef might help out. I’m certainly no expert at that, but the steer I raised came in at $3 per pound, cost of buying him, 2 round bales, feed and slaughter cost. We are about to raise another one, but have 2 customers each buying half, at $8 per pound, hanging weight. With all the high faluting people in your area, you can gather up a following of customers

There are grass fed operations here that are doing very well. One ranch has a gourmet hamburger restaurant in Lindale, another one in Canton and both have meat markets in the restaurants. Another ranch has a meat market in Tyler. Other ranches sell by the whole, half, quarter or per pound.

The 2 customers I have don’t want grass fed, they want the more tender meat of grain fed. I’m a very small operator with only 8 acres, but lm clearing a profit on my meat sales.

There are customers out there that are looking for you. Maybe you need to get social media savvy, pass out business cards and start building a customer base.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Mini Horses the purchase is the "big farm" that we have leased from the widow of the friend who passed away.... have been there for years, it is where all the working facilities, the barns, the catch pens, everything is. He has been working on this since she said she wanted to sell and then it got so bogged down with the lawyers, and survey and this and that. Been a long time coming... If he didn't buy it then we would pretty much go back to being just a few cows as a hobby at his one farm....and we rent the "other half" of the farm that belonged to the other brother, that his widow still owns.... the brothers split it when it was bought.... and we only pay taxes so the rent is next to nothing for the 125 acres... like 400 year or something. Most all the grazing is in that part and she has no intention of selling.... god willing, will live a good many more years. But this half is along the interstate right at the exit/entrance with 2 big truck stops etc... so commercial potential there if selling were to be a future option.

@Bruce; I used the term "suggested" to not get into a big todo about him not taking the vaccine..... for your information, both his PCP and the specialist down at Va tech sports medicine where he goes every month for the prolotherapy treatments, spinal manipulations and other stuff for the neck injury from work when the roller rolled over a couple years ago.... have STRONGLY ADVISED him against any type of "shots" like for the flu and definitely not to get the covid vaccine at this point. He has enough reactions to the prolotherapy and they discontinued that for awhile but the benefits have outweighed the reactions... and there is NO type of adjuvants, no preservatives, NOTHING like that in those shots. I have had them and they are very tolerable for 99.9999% of the people who get them. They put nothing into your system that is attached to your RNA...... I went the extra and had the PRP and even a couple of rounds with stem cell hoping for some repair to the knee joints, but they are worn out. Some day there will be a way to get the body to repair and regenerate but it has not been discovered for people like me who have basically destroyed the joints. Some don't get any relief as I didn't, because my joints were too far worn... but he does get some relief from them by the next day as they are absorbed into his tissue around the spine and other joint areas that they are designed for.
I don't care what the mainstream media proclaims about the covid vaccine. There are increasing numbers of doctors that are trying to get it out that there is more to this with the mRNA NOT staying in the muscle mass in the arm, and traveling through the blood stream and causing problems they are not even fully able to comprehend yet. But the cases of micro blood clots is coming to light and microscopic studies shows that it causes distortions in the size and form of the normal blood cells, and so they cannot carry oxygen and all that they do in a normal manner.

And the "regular news" is reporting that the covid infection rate is surging in several of the most vaccinated countries in the now they are talking more "booster shots".... yet the rate of infections in people who have had covid and recovered is the lowest that can be found... for the few studies that have managed to make it into the news because of the bias of reporting.... and these people have been shown to be resistant to all the variants yet discovered.

A VACCINE is supposed to PREVENT any further infection from the disease it is used for. There are a few break though cases with anything.... but have you heard of very many cases of tetanus or rabies or mumps or measles or whooping cough or anything amongst vaccinated people???? Maybe one in a million..... and these covid cases are running rampant now in vaccinated people.... SO they are not very effective. JUST like the flu vaccines.... they are not vaccines in the truest sense of the word. They are shots which MAY help you to get a lesser case.
And for all the horrible deaths from this, if these doctors would try some of the treatments that are being proven to help.... EARLY in the infection... the recovery rate is better than for the flu. But that goes against the mainstream BS of the so called experts that tell you to go home and try to wait it through instead of jumping on it and treating it before it overwhelms your body. There are treatments and they will not use them because the whole insanity of a government expert says they will not work yet hundreds of doctors who PRACTICE in the medical field say they work and work good . So make sure you never take anything that is prescribed off label, because the doctor doing it must be a quack.

I hope you don't get it, because if you do, and you do not frequent a doctor that believes in the early treatment, you are in for a rough time.

I have said enough. My journal, my rant.