Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
Jan, I read your post regarding DS and the suggestion not to get vaccinated to be SPECIFIC to him having had Lyme disease. It seems that isn't at all why he was told not to get the Covid vaccine.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
The PCP in consultation with the sports medicine specialist was specific about him not getting the covid vaccination due to his having had bouts with Lyme's disease; re-ocurring for 3 years that he had to get the anti biotic treatments, and that he should not get any vaccinations because of problems that occured with his system with reactions from the Lyme disease... so when the covid situation came around too, and then he was diagnosed with it... they both agreed that it was NOT in his best (or worst) interest to get it.... PERIOD. But they were both specific about possible negative reactions compounded by having the lyme disease. Doesn't matter that he has had other reactions, like the prolotherapy.... that is mitigated in 24-48 hours now that he has become more adjusted to it and they adjusted the places and number of shots.... they are concerned about the mRNA that does not stay in the arm tissue, traveling in his blood stream..... because of the Lyme that basically lies dormant in the body for years.... some people like my mom, never got "over it"; there are people that have relapses and flareups for years. Lyme is one of the nastiest diseases there is to contract.

Doesn't matter really, he is not getting it. And after some of the research that I have been doing and digging even deeper, my concerns are even greater about the long term effects of it.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Friday night. Went to the stockyards today and the prices were back up and even a little better... so last week was a little bit of a blip... and I sure wish now I had picked up some of those thin young cows... Oh well,,,, done and gone and over with.
DS is taking the cull cows direct to a buyer that we have dealt with a few times in the past. I am not sure it is the right idea, but....his call. Wish I had taken them today... prices were up 10-20 cents on the good cull pound cows. We'll see what the buyer offers him. The thing with this buyer, is that we do not pay a commission and that is getting to be a hefty cost... so it might work out to be a fair trade off... a few cents less per pound than what we might have gotten at the sale, and save $25-40 a head in costs...

Got the samples packed early this morning and got them dropped off when I went. Did not go anywhere else today...needed an "easy day" for the knees. They ache as usual, but don't "hurt" as bad.

DS got the sorghum-sudan baled this afternoon, that I raked Wednesday; since we only got 10 drops of sprinkles on it yesterday when we were supposed to get a decent chance of showers/rain.... He said it made about 28 rolls, he didn't remember off hand... He was hoping for 25 so that is good. Plus he cut it high so it shouldn't "burn up" as bad... and hopefully will come back quick when we get some rain. 30% chance this evening... about 40% chance tomorrow, but the radar models are not looking as good... it is probably going to stay east of us again.
@Mini Horses must have a direct line to Mother Nature..... or even to the man upstairs... because they are not listening to us or the number of farmers all across the country that are suffering a much worse drought than we are.... Even have friends in Canada that said they are cutting places they never cut, got into the "swamps" where it isnormally way to wet to even get near, and cutting anything they can... along roadsides and everything....

Going first of the week, to give my directions for how I want my beef cut up... it will hang for 14 days....

Got the camp stove since I have people giving me squash and sweet corn... will blanch a few things to go in the freezer. It will be my source of cooking for awhile. It doesn't look like I will be able to get my old stove refurbished, anytime soon.... and I am thinking now that I just need to invest in a new one....Need to get the kitchen "finished and put together"......
Am hearing some "rumbles" under the radar about possible restrictions on future surgeries if the "pandemic" and variant continues to get "worse"..... worried now about my knee situation.... especially the immediate rehab...might pertain only to Va... but we will see.

Bred cow sale next Tuesday eve at 6 p.m.... 40 cow calf pairs and some breds. Understand the guy is out of grass pasture and needs to cut back.... I want to go.....might be some bargains... will depend alot on what kind of condition they are in....
DS is buying 7 cow/calf pairs from a friend who is losing a pasture where these have been. He said he is just going to sell this one group and not bring them home to his already stressed pastures. 1 is an old cow with a decent calf, so both will get sold when the calf goes, the rest are like 5-7 yrs old...and one heifer that is about 5-700 lbs.... all 7 have calves on the ground. He's getting them for 5,000 which is like 700 a pair with the heifer being worth 100 extra. DS said that this friend said he is just ready to cut back some with losing this pasture...
They will basically replace the ones he is selling that are open. The open ones ought to bring 600 each or so... maybe more if they weigh more... so a pretty good deal. Will know more after he takes the open ones in the morning.

Going to take feed up to the nurse cow pasture and see if I can get the calves enticed into the catch pen through the creep gate. Have a couple that still need to be worked that did not come in the last time.... and a couple will be getting pulled off the cows that were born last nov.... and put with the others he is going to get in at the barn, to be sold. I am not sure what he is thinking... but I think they ought to go like immediately. Will talk to him this weekend about them and the plans to sell.

Time to quit for the night. Have a headache... just a dull one... didn't sleep as good as I could have last night because the knees were aching.... ought to be okay tonight, I hope.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Up and aching... but what else is new. Cloudy, coolish... 70's . UNFORTUNATELY the whole rain system is staying east of the Blue Ridge Mtns... so we will not get any precip out of it. Looks to be a good rain for the better part of the mid and eastern part of the state. We just aren't going to get it. There is a small chance of a few pop up showers.... maybe this eve as a smaller little bit comes up through... but only like a 20% chance. Now you know if we had 20 acres of our best hay on the ground we would get 100% of that 20% chance and get poured on.
Nothing on the ground....
Going to do a load of laundry and hang it... maybe that will "help" ????

Deb called and was coming out this morning and wanted to go out to eat this evening so I will probably go.

Going to putter in the house some today....SOOOO much needs doing.... may as well start somewhere... will go over to the nurse cow pasture in awhile too and take some feed for the calves....

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
but only like a 20% chance. Now you know if we had 20 acres of our best hay on the ground we would get 100% of that 20% chance and get poured on.
Ain't it the truth!!! The laundry should help, especially if it's the "last pair" of what you need. :lol: Worth a try. Seems it's always feast or famine nowadays.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
There's no hay to cut... it hasn't grown since we cut it all..... the clothes are on the line. Left the truck windows open.... wouldn't dare wash it, the dirt is holding it together !!!!!:lol::gig;);):th

Saturday eve. Deb came out and she called and we went out to eat at a small local family type restaurant. Decent food... not bad prices. Then she found an ice cream shop and decided to go. It is in town and I didn't even know it was there.... but then I stay out of the center of town.... they close the streets for 3 blocks and have outdoor tables and stuff in front of many of the restaurants.... Good ice cream... terribly expensive....

I have definitely decided to get a new stove for the kitchen. Deb would like to go with me, so that will be great. We will be going to PA so I can get one that doesn't have electronic ignition....due to the Mennonite and Amish populations and the old orders not having electric in their houses. Not available in VA. I want something that I can use when there is no electricity. Will get the names of the place that the friends got theirs a couple of years ago...I want to do some internet looking too.... we are tentatively planning to go up on the 29th of Aug... Sunday eve... and looking on Monday. Deb has offered to take her truck... so if I get one and it is in stock, we can bring it home and get DS to get some help and get it in the house.
So I will take a measurement of the old one I like but don't think I should use it as is.... so I can get one somewhat like it...size wise... and make a reservation for that Sun eve and we can stay over, and then do the looking/shopping on Monday. She says she has time to use from work as I said I didn't want her to take off time special.... I think she is looking for someone to go and do some things with.... which really suits me and we get along pretty good... it is nice of her to offer....
She will not be out here the next 2 I will be taking care of the horse for the next almost 3 weeks..,.. then she is leaving on Sat of Labor day weekend for a week to go to Cape Cod (?) or somewhere up there... meeting her brother for a week's will again not be here for another 2 weekends.. so another 3 weeks basically of taking care of the horse....But she is not a problem so that is okay. Just a minor inconvenience to have to go in there every day...

She came in the house and I was showing her about the "crowded" conditions in the LR and mentioned that my friends from CT had suggested that i use the DR as the LR and be on the back side of the house.... and she agreed that it might be a better fit... so contemplating that.... Or maybe just moving the desk in there and keeping the LR for just the LR furniture and the TV and all.... since I am mostly at the desk when I am bothered by the traffic so much... Going to look at the rooms a bit more.... and how to fit the recliner type chair in the LR.... Food for thought.
I did look at more recliners the other day after PT but nothing that I liked... I am really leaning to the one I liked except for the lack of electric controls....not thrilled with the handle on the side... but liked the chair and they can make it a swivel as well as rocker recliner....3 out of 4 "wants" is not bad...and I do like the seat and all that.... got a couple more places to go check out....

Worked on the small cabinet that I am using for bathroom linen storage and stuff. Got a couple of boxes partially emptied and some more stuff in it. Another sink full of dishes done... and more I will do in the morning. Since I am not sure where some of them are going to go, they are getting put in a clean box for right now... but at least I am getting some thing sorted... got a couple of boxes on the porch of Christmas stuff, that need to be sorted and reboxed as the boxes are in rough shape. Then they can go up the stairs.

Going to set up the camp stove tomorrow and get it working so I can use it. I am looking at this deck more and more and thinking that I really am not impressed with it. I think that it will get closed in, in the future... I need a pantry... and it would be much more useable to me, if I can utilize that space.... It is hotter than blue blazes out there during the day.... and more sq footage would be a selling point too....if I decided to sell in the future... Maybe make it like a "sun room" and set up some of my fish tanks again, out there.... just some more thoughts as I look at and assess things.

Time to go in and get the rest of the towels and stuff in the cabinet that I unearthed before we went to supper...and make some plans for tomorrow...


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
SUN... gee, for a change :hide:th. Slight possibility of some pop up showers this afternoon... actually it is settling in to be typical August summer weather for the week... hot, humid, t-storms possible. Will gladly take a good couple of days of pop ups.....Warm out but not unbearable, although they are saying low 90's by this afternoon. This week coming is supposed to really get up into the mid 90's and more humidity. MAYBE some rain out of it.....

It is so dry. Going to work in the bedroom and see about switching the mattress around.... doing normal household stuff. More dishes and maybe trying to unpack a few more things. Do want to get the camp stove set up. Looking on line they make a cover for it and think that I am going to order it so I don't have to dismantle it. Also looking at the griddle/grill thing so that I can cook some steaks or h'burgers on it.

Nothing much else going on today....sure there will be something before the day is out.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
DRUM ROLL...... It worked... I left the laundry out and we just got some showers.... not alot of rain, and it ought to be all gone by 8 or so looking at the radar.... but some...... Now if we can get a few more days like this..... I will gladly leave it out for a week....!!!!!

Been doing alot of looking on the computer, internet and stuff... for a stove,... and other stuff. Found a couple things on Craigslist that I responded to, closer here.... we will see. The ones I really like are NOT CHEAP new.... not sure I want to spend that much.... Well, got a couple weeks to see what might turn up. Maybe if I can find something decent that someone took out of a house for a remodel of their kitchen, might be the smarter way to go for now. Going to call & see if Glenn has been up to PA and if they can take my old one to work on, or if the family is going to quit doing it with losing several of the family members.

Been another quiet day... doing some stuff in the house.... sure wish this rain would be an all night thing...
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