Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Wed noon. Got the 2 boxes emptied of bottles and ready for the farm on Saturday. Going out to put the empty boxes in the car and clean out the front seat for DS. Don't have but a couple of slices of ham, and got a thing in the mail for a free 6" sub if you buy one with the meal... so will get a 12" basically for the price of a 6" meal. Will just do that and then anything left over will be lunch tomorrow....

Had another mouse this morning, and then reset the trap. Heard a snap about an hour ago, and there was another one.... so they are reset again. They really moved in since it is now cold. :th I have used the bait poison, but don't want them to go off and die in the house somewhere either.... so for now I will just use the traps.

Cloudy day today. 37 and up to 51 now.... no wind so not real cold but with the clouds it is chilly. Had a bowl of cereal for breakfast. Got a pretty decent nights sleep too... knees are achy but attribute that to the weather too. I am going to take some stuff now to get them to not ache and then again when we go to the herd....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Just got home and it was a long but not too terrible afternoon & evening. I sat and got up and walked around and kept stretching and moving knees.... DS and Geneva did all the samples. I am tired and didn't do much but hoping that it will translate into a good nights sleep.
We left here a few minutes early to stop at the subway close to the farm to get another combo since they would only honor one coupon when I got the sub earlier. Can you believe that the subway; in the convenience 24 hr store; closed at 3 p.m. due to lack of help????? REALLY.... glad that I got the one and DS and I split it. Geneva had eaten before she came and had some trail mix type munchies.... said she really didn't want anything... so we finally ate about 7:30-8:00 p.m. They are milking about 525 right now.... alot of new fresh heifers again....

Got another mouse about 2:30 before I left... reset the traps and came home to 2 DA#@ed mice in the 2 traps this evening. I haven't seen any signs of mouse droppings or anything anywhere... so have no idea where they have been hiding/going... but that is 5 in less than 24 hours. Reset traps again... dreading what I will find in the morning. o_O

Have to set alarm as PT is at 9 in the morning... will go by the hardware store as DS cannot find a certain kind of nail he wants, at the farm bureau.... then will come home and haul all the boxes in the house and get the samples all packed for UPS shipment in the afternoon.

We had a few sprinkles for about 10 minutes then it blew over. Supposed to be in the 60's and sun the next few days. Might attempt washing some clothes to hang tomorrow and then bring in on Friday afternoon. We'll see how I feel tomorrow.

Time to get a good hot shower and go to bed.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Good you were able to get that big farm done and still feel it wasn't "terrible". Before you didn't have that feeling...improvement! 🙂. Have you taken the muscle relaxer? Help? I can see where it could. Getting the tightness out can often help with movement, like stretching does. Hope you get a good sleep tonight!


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I know it's a relief to get that big herd done and well done on your part. Maybe you didn't do much, but just being there was a victory.

There are help wanted signs everywhere. Lowes in Lindale has a big banner up, help wanted. I've never seen that the whole time I've lived here. That's the Primo job for retirees and I guess oldsters don't want to be exposed to Covid.

News is talking about the President's strategy to fight the variant Omicron--take the booster shot! I've already read several articles that say this new variant has so many mutations in it that the jab and the follow up boosters will not be effective against it, but go take the booster anyway? Why, if it's useless? The infusions won't be effective either and neither will the drugs that have been used so far. So as I understand this, the best thing to do is do lots of stretching exercises in order to stay flexible so you can bend over to kiss your butt goodbye. But maybe the new drugs being rushed through the approval process will save us. And don't forget to wear 3-4 masks while driving alone in your car, when you are asleep, or in public. Slather your whole body in hand sanitizer, make it your new hair styling gel, and toss a pinch of salt over your shoulder. At this point, I'm rather cynical about the whole mess.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
I feel the people who had the jab may have a reduced severity to ANY of the variants, like any flu shot proposes. It's a personal choice. This year I switched my medicare plan. With that, they have a welcome/intro personal asking was whether you had received a C-19 shot. No. Then, do you intend to. No. On to next of all the do you, none. Can't believe all these people getting these calls.🤷

Anyway, I switched because this one has a plan with no RX required. Choice of doctors, more allowed for vision, dental, less for OTC, still way ample. I've paid $800 over two yrs for Rx penalty. Sure was a penalty!! I haven't had an RX in over 25 yrs! This one. (Humana vice Anthem BC) gave me a choice! So, I save $400 in penalty payments AND $50 less charged per month (added back to SSA ck) for basic coverage. $85 per month less, total, and really no losses for me in coverage. The co-pays are slightly more, nothing big. When not sick, it's not even a consideration! Anyway, I've NEVER had such, do you ever worry about ability to buy food, or running you get Medicaid, self- help, snap, you get enough exercise...issues with mobility...any issues to get to Dr appts...More about mental thoughts, memory loss issues, anyone to check on you daily, etc. WHAT??? Oh, well! Since it was a recorded call I decided to tell them I didn't have time for all this type of interview as I was busy every day to feed and handle 30 head of livestock, repair fences, stock feed and hay, mow pastures....and work a job 20-40 hrs a week! Hoped this was only one I had to endure. And don't call me to set a video Dr visit, another waste of time -- I'd call them if I needed one. 🤣 Doubt she was ready for that.

So....on to another day in the life of OLD....geesh, I ain't dead yet! I know you two can enjoy this type crap coming from people less than half our age! Hey, it's her job! 🙃


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I got a bunch of those type questions with the dr's office, in baltimore, that did my knee replacements. I took the questionaire up to the desk and asked the girl and she looked at me like"you are an old person, we expect you to have this and that problem"..... I finally said, no I don't have any problems except to be able to walk comfortably out in the pasture with the cattle...that is why I want to have the knees done. And if I am concerned about my food supply, I will grow more in the garden and put more up the next year so I have enough to eat. But they think after you hit like 60, you start a slow mental decline and that the physical is long gone too.... Sadly, there are people who are not able to function; but many of them weren't functioning on what those of us independent and self-sufficient people on here, consider functioning with a "full deck"....
I am very glad that the Medicare plan is working for you. I am equally thankful I have the one I have which definitely costs a little more... and only a flat $300 deductible for the year.... and all the PT is paid for too.... as it is the right one for me knowing that I was going to need this work done. The bill from the hospital came and it was over 27,000.00
for about 36 hours in the hospital, operating room, and all that goes along with it.... 3,000 for the semi private room, that I was in for less than 24 hrs total, 9500.00 for the operating room for about 3 hours, over 10,000 for medical and surgical supplies... that's the 2 knee replacement joints I guess........ it goes on. I won't pay a penny of it....

Only down to 42 last night... up to the mid 60's today. I went to PT and she worked on my ham string and all those muscles. Going to try the heat on it before I do exercises at home..... and see if I can get them to loosen up a little more. Feels better this afternoon....
Sun is out, and I have to go in and pack the samples. Put a load of clothes in the washer and will try to get them hung. Would like to do another load too so I can take advantage of the warmer weather. It is pretty breezy but it is warmer today than it has been.
Gotta get samples done.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Wowser on the bill. But, like you said...paid. I'd prob have to pay out $1-2K of that on this, still ok for me. Plus meds 😁. It's great to have a selection so each can direct their needs to best payer. It's all a racket of sorts. That room charge is cringe worthy and obscene! In 13 yrs of medicare I've never had a the vision, dental and OTC is a bonus for me -- finally got something for my $$$. 🤗👍🎉🎉. I enjoy the FREE dentist! FREE glasses! But, I'm low maintenance. 😎🤑


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I have a supplement to Medicare, it will pick up what Medicare wont pay. BJ had the same thing. He had a triple bypass, knee replacement, shoulder replacement, hip replacement and the therapy that followed each operation. He had prostate surgery and cataract eye surgery. The only time we ever paid anything out of pocket was $45 for a follow up visit on his eye surgery. He didn't have a drug plan, but with a fist full of discount cards, even that wasn't a problem.

All I want out of this deal is a new knee and it looks like the other knee won't be far behind.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
If you do a more comprehensive plan, knowing you are going to have a replacement etc., you can always switch to a different less comprehensive plan later with no problems. But if you start with something like the "advatage" plans, the chance of you switching to a more comprehensive plan is less and the price will be way through the roof. @Mini Horses switched because she never used hers and it was a good move for her because it is unlikely she will be needing the kind of work I have had done..... So my doing it this way, was the best way.

Well, I think it was a get together deal because nothing in the traps all day... so they all must have come in and could not bypass the peanut butter on the trap.... all the pb is still on the traps. I am not sorry... hope that it was one fell swoop kinda thing.

Went and got DS from the hay field where he raked hay until too dark to see. Then took him back to the tractor with the round baler, and he took that up to the field and then brought him back to his truck. Unfortunately his boss is off tomorrow so he won't be able to leave early and there is not even an hour between 4:30 and dark in the evening... but he might be able to bale some of what he raked or finish raking the one field. He has another place he plans to sq bale... supposed to be nice Friday and Saturday... then cloudy on Sunday with possible moisture coming in for Monday.
Just ate a big bowl of green beans, not real hungry. Starting to ache after the PT, I am going to take a muscle relaxer tonight and then a hot shower and maybe will be able to go to sleep. Did not sleep very good last night again.... GRRR:barnie:duc:rant:hit.

Got one load of clothes done and will do a second load so I can hang them in the nice weather the next 2 days.

@Baymule , that was one he// of a deal on the stuff you got..... DS said post prices have gone out of sight and they are hard to come by here.... The cost of having fence built here is up around $6.00 a ft now... from about 3.75 to 4.00 less than 2 years ago... Going to cost a small fortune to get this place fenced..... :th:th:hit.