Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Been a LOOOONG day.
Happy Memorial day to the families of the brave men and women that have fought for and died for our country.

Got up and planned to work a little in the garden... DS called and wanted to get the cows with spring calves from the one field at doug's farm, down the driveway to the barn and the ones matched out to pasture since it was near the field he had cut. He was working on the teeth in the rake and getting it all ready to go.
So I went and put the cow in, went down there, had to bring them up the lane and down the driveway to the barn... just about 100 ft around the corner there along the road to go down the driveway. He got a couple that lives next to his own house to come... mostly to stand at the road so the cars would slow down and the cows would go the right way... Went like clockwork. So then I went up and turned the cow out. Went and got some water and stuff to put in the little cooler, got the 12 tomato plants to give to the daughter of the "doug" that used to own the farm... she had come out thinking the cows were loose.... they live across the road there... and I asked if she had started the garden and did she need any tomato plants... she said they were just getting to it so I offered them to her. The other ones I asked had too many already too.... then came back to the barn. We got the rest of the teeth in the rake, then went in the barn, sorted the cows and worked the couple of bull calves, greased and fueled up and everything ready. Then I left with the tractor and rake, and he was going to load the cows to go out and meet me there. He came by a few minutes after I got there so that worked out. He parked there on the side of the road, we went up and he showed me the thinner stuff and we looked at whether it needed tedding... some did but the majority would probably be okay. So I started on raking the thinner stuff, and then he came back with the tedder after I had raked 2 rows in the other thicker field... I said I thought it was 50/50 that raking would be enough. So he said to keep raking one area that was a little thinner, and he tedded a bunch. Then got a call that there were some cows out behind his house... so I went with him and got my car and he went up to see if the stupid neighbor had opened the gate again.... I am putting a lock on it this next week as soon as I get one....DS was going to just open up some gates into another field where they haven't been yet so they can eat grass. I assume he got them situated as I didn't hear anything else. So I took the car back to the field and got back on the tractor... plus this gave me the freedom to quit when I wanted and leave with having a vehicle there.
DS had brought me a "wendy's" lunch when he came back with the tedder... so I did get a c'burger and a cold drink and some chicken nuggets that I didn't eat yet.
Anyway, I raked until I have done more than 3/4 of what is there... including the stuff he tedded. It was drying fast today with the sun, no humidity, and a light breeze. Just got to rake 2 rows up along one fence, finish the 2 ends which are about 6-8 rows each and then do the one smaller field that is up the hill. He tedded a good part of that so it ought to be in good shape. Then go to the other place up the road that we do... Maybe go tedd it first, then do the other raking, then either go from there and rake or wait and rake Wed morning. We have the vet Wed for the preg checks on the cows we moved that were always getting out... and then move them around probably on Thuirsday.

Seems like I am going to have to go to NH with him this coming weekend. The friend is not going because he is going to be making hay also. We are supposed to get this rain stuff Thursday eve into Friday, then cooler and mostly sun for several days again. DS said he might mow on Friday before we go... dreading another 12 hour trip.... and the house clean out. Seems my sister is too busy to go next weekend... they got what they wanted... and her son is the one that wants nothing... but he is a direct beneficiary... but is not willing to come help do anything to clean it out. Looks like it will just be my poa brother, DS and me. Don't even know if we are bringing back the other truck as they have been unable to get the other caliper for the brakes. But we are getting the backhoe....

Deb had talked about staying out all week instead of going back for Thursday and Friday then coming back to the farm for the weekend again....., unless she has to do an interview for the new company that is taking over what her present company has been doing.... SO I am going to hit her up and see if she can do the nurse cow for a couple days. I will take a couple sq bales of hay up there, let her put the cow in with the calves and give her grain in the morning... stay in with them for the day, then just turn her out in the afternoon sometime... that way she won't have to stay and wait for half an hour twice a day while she eats her grain.... and she will be ready to come out in the evening. It's about the easiest I can make it for a couple of days... she will survive not getting grain twice... I will have her feed a little more in the morning.... and it will only be a couple of days.
I really want to get some more stuff planted so it can be sprouting while I am gone. I will not get the mowing done or the electric netting up before I go... but if I can get stuff planted it will take several days for it to come up so ought to be sprouting by the time I get back. And I need to at least get all the stuff we cut down and the low lying limbs off the maple, loaded on the back of the truck so the grass is not growing up into it and make it a pain to try to mow next week. Maybe I can get in the garden Wed, or Thursday.... I guess he is thinking about taking off Friday to go and we will be back on Monday....
I really thought that friend was going to make it work to go with him.... I really didn't want to go back with all we are trying to do... I guess this is a bit of the push to get some more of these cows out to grass/pasture... at least out where they should not be getting out through fences or anything....
We'll do what we have to do.
Allergies driving me nuts but it was kinda nice to be back on the tractor... Got hot in the sun... long day.... still hard to get on and off it, and knees ache a bit but don't "hurt"....It will get better...
Tomorrow will be another longish day... supposed to be hotter too....

Went to DS's house and got a good hot shower... and I put some clothes in the washer here; they can wash in cold (room temp) water... will get them on the line tomorrow.... mostly the snap and button short sleeved shirts I like to wear in the hot weather... keeps me cooler. Cannot abide t-shirts in the heat...

Forgot to send in the electric payment so have to get it in the mail tomorrow so it gets there by the 4th... since I can no longer go pay it at the bank. I am not paying a "convenience fee" to pay it by cc over the phone or anything. Don't trust the mail much but last month it was there and came out of my checking acct. in 4 days... I had allowed for 10 days... so I think as long as it gets there this week it ought to be fine.

Time to go to bed...


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Another busy weekend coming up! Too bad you have to go back, I know you aren’t looking forward to it. Hopefully this will be it and you won’t have to go again.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Talked to Deb and she is going with me in the morning to see what to do for the nurse cow. I am going to make it easy, and take a couple sq bales up.... she can put her in with the calves in the morning, give her the grain, put a 1/2 sq bale in the bunk, and let her stay in with the calves for most of the day, then just turn her out in the evening. Just for Sat and Sunday. She will leave to go back to Washington area for work on Monday... and get things in line for the application to the new company. At least the calves will get to eat good while she is eating the grain.

Talked to DS this morning... went and did the cow... went to the barn and worked another calf and he got the others paired up that we tagged yesterday. He was going to move them today. I went from there to the farm and got on the tractor. Did all the raking at the one place and then went to the other place. Was raking when DS came by with the baler.... and brought me some lunch again, then we went to the other place; he took me back to my car so I would have it when I finished. We will take all the equipment back to the barn or to the next field we are going to cut...
I raked and finished that last field. The sky turned real dark and it didn't look good. I went by where he was baling to make sure he was doing okay... then came home to do the samples. Got on the computer and saw where there might be some POP UP t-storms... out of no where it seems. It is more humid today so it happens but there was no warning of it.
DS texted me and said it sprinkled... then stopped... and then a couple more. He did not stop baling. Seems it rained about 1/100th inch where I had finished the last field... And now there is another chance of some pop up stuff after 6 p.m..... Not what I want to hear. Hoping it will go around or dissipate .

Samples got dropped off and then I went and got enough feed to get through the weekend while I am gone.
Tomorrow is the vet and I assume that DS will finish baling the last field I raked if it does not rain on it tonight. Then move the preg cows to his place down near GF . Honestly I don't know what his plans are because I don't think he is going to wean the calves off with us going away....

I want to get in the garden here and get a few things in before I do any other chores.
I am worn out though, the allergies are really bad this year and it wipes me out. Feel like I have blown my brains out my nose, today and eye is so irritated and runny :barnie:th:hit

I am going to go up to the cow and then go by DS and get another shower. He hasn't had time to get to the hot water heater with the hay and all.... Maybe once this hay is moved and the rest baled...

Had to come in and take a break for a little bit.... Drank some more water.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Went out to the garden for a little bit. I see some green beans and some wax beans coming up... 2020 seeds. The onion plants look a little more "alive" and the tomatoes are getting a deep dark green so they are putting out roots into the dirt. Peppers look a little more "alive", too.
Also some squash; seeds are from 2020....
Nothing in the potatoes yet. I did plant some Country Gentleman shoepeg sweet corn this evening in a small "square" and left a space about the same size for another planting... If these seeds come up good then I will plant a second time... if spotty I will use the seed I have left to fill in. Planted some striped crenshaw squash and some cantaloupe seeds. Also put some sunflower seeds along the edge of the garden. I see some others I planted coming up.
I did plant some gherkin cucumber seeds too. Also some real old hubbard squash seeds.
I am excited about seeing some things coming up....And the deer had better stay out of them when I am gone....there is a ton of stuff for them to eat everywhere else....
Then I went up to the cow and then came home. Got here, in the house and then realized I did not go take a shower... and I am too achey to make a trip out so will heat some water and wash up tonight. I will be glad to get some hot water again. I let the clothes soak and will run them through and hang tomorrow.
We are supposed to be nice with another "chance" of a pop up shower with the humidity increasing. At least the possible ones on the radar for 5-6 p.m. faded out. Hoping that tomorrow is hot and sunny for the better part of the day so that DS can get the last of the hay baled...
My eyes are watering so time to go get a cool wet wash cloth and get washed up for the night.

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Auburn, CA
Have you thought about getting a water storage tank for the well if the pressure is that low?

I think they make moisture alarms too, that you could set near the water heater or other internal plumbing stuff, and if it leaks the alarm goes off so you learn about the issue earlier.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Wed. warm overnight... 66 this morning and already at 87 before noon. That's warm for here. Our average temp here this time of year is about 80. But we are supposed to have a front coming through and 60% chance showers/storms tomorrow. Then a cool down to normal 80's. Of course it is supposed to be nice over the weekend and into next week and we are going to have to be gone.... DS says that he may very well mow before we leave Friday aft.... so at least it can be drying while we are gone.
Got Deb this morning and she went up to farm to see about letting the cow in with the calves. Should be easy for her, for the weekend, and then she goes back Sunday aft to her house up near work, and we are going to be home on Monday. I will have to fill the water troughs if we don't get much rain to fill them tomorrow. I'm hoping we get some good rain and fill them too.
Then went by the farm, but DS had asked his GF to go and open gates and see if she could get cows to come in. I told her if she had trouble to call me, that I would help but she seemed to have a plan to get them in and I didn't want to step on her toes.
Left there, went to get gas and 2 of the 3 stations had gone up to 4.39 from the 4.29. I filled up the forester, came back to get the truck but I had filled it the other day so got the explorer... It had gone up to 4.35 in that 45 minutes. So I filled the explorer.

Then I went to the garage and talked to them about getting the air conditioning/coolant system fixed where it is leaking... and to give the car a complete "go over" while it was on the lift. Just had the oil changed so don't need that. Then WHEN I ever get the title situation fixed, I will see about selling it. So, left the Explorer and got the outback that they had checked over and it is not the cv joint and there is nothing loose or leaking or anything. The clicking noise I hear, they said they did hear only on occasion, like me, but cannot find anything definite anywhere. So, I left the explorer and brought it home. Filled it also at 4.35... So, I can use it and he said that he wouldn't be afraid to drive it because there is nothing in the drive train that is loose or anything.

Guess the GF got the cows moved because I see the gates are no longer across the driveway. She never called so I am hoping there was no problem. I will head to the barn in just a few minutes.
Stopped at DS's neighbor and got the broccoli plants he wanted to give me. He has about 15 more tomatoes he tried to give me even though I just gave away a dozen. They are in the shade, soaking up water so I can plant them tonight.

DS wants me to bring the tractor and rake home so will probably go get it after we get done with the preg checks. Then he can take me back to get my vehicle after.

Going to go to the barn. One good thing, it is cooler there to work cattle... cold in the winter, but really decent when it is hot out.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Things just don't seem to want to work out. Preg check went okay... 2 there that should have been preg but weren't... 1 also not preg then realized she had a fairly new calf that DS tagged when it was born... Going to sell one of mine that I bought. She has a small calf and has no milk... not worth keeping and she is open I think.
Most everyone else is 5 m/l months... 2 that are 6-7 that are going to be kept at the barn and calves weaned off when we get back. Lost 1 cow at this pasture back a couple months but her calf must be stealing since the only calf without a momma was that one and looks pretty decent. So he decided to take 15 cows and the 16 calves to pasture so the guy quits having a sh!t fit over it... and since the calves are bigger, they will be eating a fair amount of grass too... and the calves will have to come off the first of AUG so the cows get at least 30-60 days break.
At least this way, they are not getting out next door to me... they can get fat on the grass there at the pasture, the calves will get good grass to eat, the owner will quit his bellyaching... and then when we get back, the ones at the nurse cow pasture will be going to a different place instead with their calves, and the bull that is already (STILL) in there. That will get most out of the nurse cow pasture and we can put these odd ball calvers up there out of the way for the rest of the summer and whenever they calve fine. There are several that are late so they will get moved to the next calving group, unless we decide to sell any. Will wait and see how the markets trend this summer.

So, DS decided to stay at the barn and get these cows sorted out... I said you ought to go bale the hay... but he wanted to get that done... dehorned a calf... then got the 15 c/16 cfs in the one lot and the others in the barn... and then decided that he and GF needed to go get some lunch and then go over to bale the hay. About 20 minutes later I called and said are you baling hay because the sky is getting black... another pop up storm like yesterday that we dodged the bullet... No, they were just going through the drive thru at Wendy's....
SO guess what... they saw the black clouds, went over there and he got 3 bales done as it POURED DOWN over there. All the hay that I finished raking will now have to be tedded out again... and they are calling for showers and storms again tomorrow. We got about 10 drops on the windshield here....
DA#@ and double DA#@...... he said to me later that he should have gone over there right after the vet left and got it done and left the cows for later because they were fine in the barn for a couple hours.... what could I say? I certainly didn't say I TOLD YOU TO GO BALE IT... what would that accomplish at that point???:th :duc:he:somad:somad:somad:hit:hit:hitNow it will cost extra fuel, tedding then re-raking.... plus we have this cotton pickin trip to go who knows if we will be able to even get it made before we leave.
Got to get it tedded out so it doesn't get moldy from sitting. Just makes me mad... he said, "sorry, mom, I know you hate to do things over....The storm came up so fast" ...which it did.... BUT..... I told him earlier that there was a 20% chance of pop up storms again today....

He got the 2 loads of the cows and calves to the pasture this evening...then was going home because he had a headache and a scratchy throat... I said that I guess I would go to his house to take a shower... he said I got the socket thing... and I said just forget it if you don't feel good. Not worth getting him in a bad mood.

I did get the broccoli plants soaked and then planted them late this afternoon. Put in one more row of old green bean seeds to see if they germinate while we are gone. Got a pile of mulch hay that had fallen off a bale right by DS driveway... and got that on the garden around the newly planted broccoli plants. Figure if it rains tomorrow then it will settle down and be good. Got all the paper bags I had handy down along the tomato plants... will have to do some MAJOR mulching and weeding when I get back. I wanted to get the back of the truck emptied so I can pick up the branches and stuff around the yard. Tomorrow I ought to be able to do that since the rain is supposed to be more showers, not steady.

I want to go and see about getting some boxes tomorrow since don't have any idea of what is going to be needed. Taking some BIG plastic bags too. He said there are a couple of people that are going to come and help. The guy that got my table and chairs for me, said their church has a "rummage" type sale so they will take some stuff and store it in their garage until their sale. Better than going in the dumpster. Another lady that helped with my mom alot is coming too.... HOPING they will be taking alot of the stuff with them to keep or giveaway or sell rather than throw it out.... I may wind up bringing home some of the yarn and stuff too so it doesn't get tossed. DS said I can only take what will fit in the back of the pickup with the table and chairs..... this is going to be tough to see my parents whole life reduced to this discarding.... my sister is not going to be there...have no idea what all they cleaned out, with her fiance that they were going to finally go there a week or 2 ago.... guess her son has no intention of coming and of course her daughter is the preg one in Fla....can't come. Don't know if the niece that did all the e-mail crap is coming.... don't know about her father, my other brother... he doesn't do more than he has to unless it is something he wants...
Will be so glad when it is done.... and we need to be making hay.

Hay is not as thick for first cutting.. decent but nothing to brag about. Well, we will be selling a couple of cows next week after we get back... not planning on replacing them at this time either. We have good grass at the pastures. Not overstocked there either so that is good.

I'm tired and not going to DS at this hour. Shower can wait for morning.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
That sucks about the hay. Yes, he knows he was stupid, but I would have darn well told him so. You hold back a lot, especially on the GF, but this is one time he needed to get blasted.