Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Blasting him would only have made us both mad and in pissy moods... can't change what happened...and it is his money being spent on the extra diesel... so he will have to learn the hard way. He knows I am not happy about it. He also acknowledged that he is not getting things done at the farm that should be and it is mostly his fault for not doing what needs doing... Whether he changes it; I don't know.... but he could put himself in a bad place financially if he does not pay a little more attention to details around there... I think it is hitting him that she only helps when it suits her.... sometimes she is great help, but sometimes he is seeing that she is not helping things at all, only hindering as he cannot depend on her when "things HAVE to get done".....
The sad thing is, I've seen this at so many farms over the years... the wives basically have nothing to do with the farm or operation... or they do what they feel like when they feel like... not a true "partner" to the farmer they married.... Now if they work other full time jobs, and often do a majority of the "kid raising" and the housework and meal prep and things like that then okay if they do not work with the cows or the crop harvesting or whatever... and many will do things like "go fer" parts and stuff... but I have seen others that only do what they feel like ...IF and when they feel like.... and I have just never understood it... or understood the man living in that situation... DS is an example of that.....

Oh well.... you can't control the heart I guess.... :confused: o_Oo_O:hide:idunno:idunno:smack


Herd Master
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Blasting him would only have made us both mad and in pissy moods... can't change what happened...and it is his money being spent on the extra diesel... so he will have to learn the hard way. He knows I am not happy about it. He also acknowledged that he is not getting things done at the farm that should be and it is mostly his fault for not doing what needs doing... Whether he changes it; I don't know.... but he could put himself in a bad place financially if he does not pay a little more attention to details around there... I think it is hitting him that she only helps when it suits her.... sometimes she is great help, but sometimes he is seeing that she is not helping things at all, only hindering as he cannot depend on her when "things HAVE to get done".....
The sad thing is, I've seen this at so many farms over the years... the wives basically have nothing to do with the farm or operation... or they do what they feel like when they feel like... not a true "partner" to the farmer they married.... Now if they work other full time jobs, and often do a majority of the "kid raising" and the housework and meal prep and things like that then okay if they do not work with the cows or the crop harvesting or whatever... and many will do things like "go fer" parts and stuff... but I have seen others that only do what they feel like ...IF and when they feel like.... and I have just never understood it... or understood the man living in that situation... DS is an example of that.....

Oh well.... you can't control the heart I guess.... :confused: o_Oo_O:hide:idunno:idunno:smack
Yeah... that would drive me nuts.

But I agree... nothing you can do about it... he needs to figure out what he will do.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Took allergy pill and waiting a few for it to kick in before I go out. DS wants me to tedd out the hay about 10.... there is a line of storms coming this way about 2 so it definitely isn't going to be dry enough to rake and get baled before they come through. Wouldn't b e nice if they bypass that area and just come through here? Then maybe it could get raked and baled before we leave Friday? Wishful thinking I am sure. We could use the rain here at the house.
Going to go do the cow then come home and load those cut off branches and stuff on the truck; get them out of the grass. Bring the clothes off the line before they get "rain water rinsed".... and then go to the hayfield I guess. Looks like the line of storms ought to get to this area after 1 or 2.
Got to take a couple sq bales up to the barn for the cow while I am gone since I told Deb to leave her in during the day so she doesn't have to deal with her, putting her in and waiting for her to eat twice a day. This way she only has to go up, put her in, feed and then in the evening just let her out. Cow will have hay during the day in there and the calves can nurse some. Maybe she will calm down a little too; it is only for 2 days and trying to make things as simple as I can.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Good plan on cow! We do what we can and gotta. 🤣

Just contacted my milk soap lady....she'll get all I can take her Tue, at a store I work between us. Easiest for me! I can use their coolers until she picks up, as I work my jobs. 😁. Prob take 5 gal. Hey, it's $$. 👍. I'd take a couple more of her and it would more than buy feed. Don't tell me Fido isn't your dog! Then, there's herd shares 🤷

this weekend I'm hoping to start another doe in training. :ep :fl


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Had a good morning, but then went to crap. Did cow, loaded all the branches on the truck, brought the clothes in the house. Went to the pasture, had to unhook the rake, go get the tedder at the other pasture up the road, hooked it up and came back to the pasture. Finally got everything going... got the hay tedded out. It looked pretty good when I got it done. Told DS that I was going to go eat some lunch, come back and probably tedd out again and it should be ready. Got it tedded out the 2nd time and it was in pretty good shape. DS got off a little early. I started raking and got 2 rows ahead and he got there and started baling. The sky in the west started to get darker... thunder.... and I stayed 2 rows ahead of him and he was baling as fast as the tractor could work... It kept getting darker and darker... then all of a sudden it opened up and started to rain big drops... pouring down..... and we had to quit. Half hour more, about 6 more rows to rake, and we could have been done.
So, I will have to tedd out the 2 raked rows, and flip(tedd) the unraked again, then rake it for him to finish. This is getting old.... and it takes time to unhook and rehook up the equipment... especially me because I am not fast at doing it.

It rained alot harder at the hay field than it did here at the house but we did get rain... the water ran down the roads over there but not here. And it has gone through and now the sun is out again. Got to go unload the truck... at least all the windows were closed and the plants are all in the garden that I have so far.....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
We got 4/10th's inch here at the house... some water in the water troughs but will have to take some tomorrow to fill more for the cow I guess. Was really hoping to that they would get 1/2 full or more for the 2 days I will be gone.
Heard some more thunder a little bit ago, but think it passed to the north.
Got to empty the truck of the branches in the morning, then get a couple bales of hay for the barn. Then some water... I have a couple of 15 gal barrels I can take a couple up there... Pain... But since she is going to be in for several hours each day, she will need water.
Went out in the garden and see some real progress with some green beans, and maybe some wax beans coming up. Also see a bunch of squash coming through. The broccoli looks like it got settled in real good with this rain. There will be so many weeds when I come home.
Grass is way high so will have grass clippings to use right around the plants which will be great. Got the bags I have down along the tomato plant rows.... and the little bit of mulch hay around the broccoli....
DS got the heating element in the water heater and it is not leaking so flipped the switch. Bled the air out of the lines ..... Will know in a couple of hours if I have real hot water... I so need to wash my hair and want to get the dishes in the sink done before I go.
Plus we are going to try to get the hay tedded out AGAIN... so it can get baled and off the field before we go....
Got to get the few cows out of the barn and moved so there isn't anything needing feeding.
Got all the inside plants watered and the spider plants and all got watered with the rain so should be fine while I am gone. We are dreading this.
I need to get some clothes together to go.
Hope everyone has a good weekend...see you sometime next week.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
That’s too bad about the hay. So close to being done! Oh well.

Be safe on your trip. I know you aren’t looking forward to this at all. Do what you need to do and get back home.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
I'm gonna go the other way --. So glad y'all got almost all baled!!! Huge save and effort.👍 What's down and not baled....if rain isn't extreme, it can hopefully be saved and fed first. Cost is a problem and it may be the kick DS needs to realize lunch with GF is too costly. 🙄🤔

Yeah, I'm sorry for loss. It always hurts. I even stress when I cut my yard 😱🙄 forage?


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
@Mini Horses get some Premier 1 electro netting. I graze the yard here and it’s extra grass. Thinking about putting it up over the weekend for the sheep. I’ll have to take it down for the next week, so we can work on house.