
Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I'm not going to castrate this year. I'll wean at 2 months and take to auction.

Yes, let us know how you like the bander!


Herd Master
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
mountains of WV
How's Murphy?

He's doing well and was just moved down to the big field with the sheep yesterday...on a tether, of course, as he still wants to eat Blue's face off and he doesn't know the sheep. He's still in training and I still don't trust him fully as we've had no time to bond yet.

He HAS learned to wait politely for his food until I tell him he can have it, has learned to give me space and be polite around my body....before he was constantly pushing against me, looping his paws around one of my legs, etc. He's learned that we won't enter into his space until he calms down, so he's doing that more quickly now.

When he's been on the tether for a bit with the sheep, he'll graduate to a tire drag. We'll be getting Sport's Dog fencing soon and will get it up as soon as we get the big field fenced in. I finally got around to ordering him his ID tag, so even if he blows past two electric fencing systems and takes his drag along with, someone can call me if he's found.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
He will take patience, but will be so worth it! The tire drag is a good idea, wouldn't work for me because of too many trees that my husband is in love with and won't let me cut for more pasture. Murphy is going to make you one fine dog. Have you considered neutering him? It might take some of the attitude out of him, before it gets to be solidly entrenched behavior. My two, Sentry and Carson still have theirs and they are getting ugly to each other. Wrong thing to do dogs, it is snip, snip time.


Herd Master
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
mountains of WV
He will take patience, but will be so worth it! The tire drag is a good idea, wouldn't work for me because of too many trees that my husband is in love with and won't let me cut for more pasture. Murphy is going to make you one fine dog. Have you considered neutering him? It might take some of the attitude out of him, before it gets to be solidly entrenched behavior. My two, Sentry and Carson still have theirs and they are getting ugly to each other. Wrong thing to do dogs, it is snip, snip time.

Yep....right now it's a 6-9 mo. wait for neutering through the not so Humane Society and/or it's a shorter wait through the local vets, but it will cost each dog over $300 for neutering.

I've been told, even if I neuter them both, that they may still fight all the time...I'm hoping that's not the case, as both WILL be neutered as soon as I can. Murphy comes first.

Right now I've too many irons in the fire to attend to Dad just died, so dealing with all of that with the funeral and Mom, family and such, then I'm scrambling to get in the winter firewood...doing that mostly by myself, though Eli cuts up the stump logs, I'm doing all the splitting and transport, loading into the shed and onto the porch.

We are also trying to get that big field fenced in(haven't got a single post in the ground yet)before hard winter. Still haven't butchered the chickens nor the wethers for canning up, nor even got the coop ready for winter. Collecting some more bags of leaves when I go into town today....hate to do that on a Sunday, but the leaves are there and I'll be there, so might as well take a truck and trailer and collect leaves, huh?

In the middle of all of that I'm trying to find time to be with the grandkids(they depend on me so much for so many things)and take care of Mom.

Dog nuts will have to take a back burner for now, you know?


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I'm so sorry about your Dad. I know he has not been in very good health for a long time and it may come as a relief, but is still sad and will leave a gap in your and your Mom's lives. I was with my Daddy when he died and I cried tears of relief for him that he would no longer suffer. It's been almost 30 years and I still miss him. If you can, take a little time for yourself. A quiet moment in the pasture with the sheep is the best medicine for a broken heart. Big hugs to you.

You got a lot on your plate right now, and it will continue for sometime. Lots of work ahead getting ready for winter. Add the things to be done after your Dad's funeral, the paperwork and legalities can get absurd. My prayers are with you.


Herd Master
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
mountains of WV
I'm so sorry about your Dad. I know he has not been in very good health for a long time and it may come as a relief, but is still sad and will leave a gap in your and your Mom's lives. I was with my Daddy when he died and I cried tears of relief for him that he would no longer suffer. It's been almost 30 years and I still miss him. If you can, take a little time for yourself. A quiet moment in the pasture with the sheep is the best medicine for a broken heart. Big hugs to you.

You got a lot on your plate right now, and it will continue for sometime. Lots of work ahead getting ready for winter. Add the things to be done after your Dad's funeral, the paperwork and legalities can get absurd. My prayers are with you.

Thank you, Bay. :hugs It's the working and also the sitting in the pasture with the sheep and Blue that give me quiet times of solace, prayer and peace. After the funeral I'll be able to get back to having time for that.

Dad's death was a very peace filled one and Mom was in bed with him, holding him when he breathed his last, so good in many ways. We are feeling quite blessed in many ways right now as God has been moving and taking care of things long before we ever run into the problem, so walking light right now and feeling that all is well with my soul. :love

This is the first death in our family, so it's all very strange and surreal, and I'm going to miss seeing and taking care of Dad. He was 89 yrs old.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I had the honor of being with my great aunt, who had no children, my Mom was very close to her. We were both with her, it was Mother's Day. We had a sad breakfast at a Denny's in Houston near the Medical Center. Being with my Daddy, then with my Mom as they left this world gave me peace, knowing that their suffering was over.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Thoughts and prayers for you. My parents health has declined greatly and my mom has dementia/alzheimers or something they won't put a label on. Family dynamics being what they are, my one brother is "in charge" of their care and all. Stopped trying to fight them so I stay at my distance. I butt heads with my father terribly as we are too alike. So it is better for all concerned to keep my distance and offer what I can even when it is totally rebuffed by the brother.


Herd Master
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
mountains of WV
Thoughts and prayers for you. My parents health has declined greatly and my mom has dementia/alzheimers or something they won't put a label on. Family dynamics being what they are, my one brother is "in charge" of their care and all. Stopped trying to fight them so I stay at my distance. I butt heads with my father terribly as we are too alike. So it is better for all concerned to keep my distance and offer what I can even when it is totally rebuffed by the brother.

I have the opposite situation...none of the other kids wants anything to do with taking care of their parents and are more than glad to let me handle it all. They don't want updates or anything else as they would rather not know. I'm okay with that, as their input tends to lack rational thought or sincerity.