I’ve had my 2 rabbits (Blossom and Boomer) for about 3 weeks. Even before making the commitment and getting them, i decided I would like to grow and feed fodder. Of course transitioning them slowly. I am doing great with alfalfa but it’s expensive. I want to have barley and wheat as my main fodder though, and I’m having trouble with it. I’ve also tried buckwheat but they all seem to mold after a couple days. This is my fourth go with the three. I can’t tell if the ‘fuzzy-ness’ is mold or not?? Also the link on the buckwheat. Is that normal or mold? I’ve tried three different locations, thinking that it wasn’t getting enough air circulation or enough sun. I’ve tried a 1% bleach soak before rinsing and putting in my containers. I rinse several times a day. My containers are small (4x6x1.5”) as I only have the two buns to feed, I don’t need bigger containers. Attached are some pics at day 4. Is this mold or not? Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Oh, the current location is in my dining room. We have the windows open during the day so air flow is good. The temperature is is 70-75F. The trays get indirect light most of the day with about an hour of direct sunlight
It's hard to see in pictures - but I don't see anything that I identify as mold...maybe my old eyes. Just looks like little sprouts and little roots to me...
I know this is an old question.
All I see are roots. When I've had mold it was blueish green in color. I'm doing barley now and luckily haven't had any. In another related question somebody suggested removing it from the container when the roots were growing well. I've been doing that last couple of weeks and it works ok. Doesn't feel as slimy when I'm ready to use it.
Have you been washing your sprouts everyday? If you do not wash them with clean water regularly they will grow a slimy mold and that is not good for rabbits.