

New Member
Jul 6, 2020
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I am Yenni (Yeh-nee). I have never owned livestock or herd animals, but I am considering doing so in the future, and I want to be informed. My personal goals are much smaller, and lean more toward smaller sheep for a beginning point. Further, I am curious to find if breeds can be produced with sex-linked traits enabling milk production and smaller size in females and more notably bigger and more muscled bodies in males. And/or softer fur in one sex and a coarser fur in the other. Apart from personal goals, I, nonetheless, am working to amass information for sharing, and build connections with global breeders of exceptionally hardy livestock.

My goal are Middle Eastern sheep breeds, especially native to the regions of Israel, Jordan, surrounding desert areas, and similar parts of Africa and Egypt. Foremost, I intend for health; including drought tolerance, heat tolerance, cold tolerance, disease resistance, survivability, and longevity above all other conditions. Second, is nativity for integration and breeding efforts with local herds, especially among rural populations. Third, is useful continuity of livestock for provisional means. Future yields will focus on milk, meat, fat, and/or textiles, with probable breed variations, especially between males and females.

Quite simply, livestock here need to be more hardy. Many local breeds, and those of relative regions, are heavily resistant to all or many of these conditions. They are enduring, but rare breeds, which are more often inherited than sold alive. However, their unique qualities enable them to endure harsh winters, desert climate extremes, drought, harsh rains, rocky terrain, rough foraging, diseases, parasites, birth defects, and even sandstorms.

Such conditions are notable throughout many world regions. Yet, breeding has often been restricted to less enduring varieties. And intermingling has put many species at risk of extinction. However, it is known that, for harsher climates, U.S. and world citizens have incorporated or committed themselves to such breeds in their flocks and cattle herds. My goal is to seek out and connect with these persons for future conservation efforts of heartier provisional herds. All help would be appreciated!


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
Welcome to the forum from Texas. There have been members from the Middle East join here and post pictures of their breeds. I found them very interesting. We raise Katahdin hair sheep, a breed developed here in the United States.

What breeds are you interested in raising?