Harsh Words

Straw Hat Kikos

The Kiko Cowboy
May 18, 2012
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North Carolina
I prefer the NRK over both the AKGA and the IKGA just as these people do. I like the NKR better for many reasons and these people cover some of them and more. I have never seen someone explain it so well and really put their thoughts down so well. This is why Lookout Point Ranch prefers the NKR over other Kiko registries.


Many people prefer to buy our goats unregistered. If you require registered goats, we recommend the National Kiko Registry due to its professional management, its support from major US breeders, and reasonable $12 registration fee. Over the last year, most of our customers have requested NKR.

Another major advantage is that NKR provides DNA testing services, but does not require it (unlike the AKGA).

We are not believers in routine DNA testing except in special circumstances, due to the $35 cost. Goats are small animals, and at normal livestock sale prices, it is not practical to invest an additional $35 in every herd doe. We're not alone in this view. Cattle are much more valuable than goats - and yet highly respected registries such as American Angus Association do not require DNA testing.

DNA testing can lead to a false sense of knowledge and security. The only thing DNA testing determines is whether or not the immediate parents of the goats are those listed on the pedigree. It cannot determine whether the grandparents are correct, the great-grandparents, etc. unless those also were tested. Kikos were first imported to the USA in the early 1990s. However, DNA testing has only begun in recent years. Since the original imports are dead, and most were never tested, DNA testing does nothing to assure that today's "100% NZ" goats really are descended from original imports.

We think DNA testing is generally a waste of money. We appreciate that NKR leaves it up to the breeders to determine whether or not to test. We test only when requested by our buyers or when needed to resolve questionable parentage.

AKGA - Our Concerns

We also can provide AKGA registration on most of our goats - however, as of 2008, registration costs $50. We have found it impractical to manage a herd under this cost burden, and expect to discontinue our membership eventually.

It seems that most of the US's major breeders have already made the switch to NKR - meaning that most of the Kikos registered in the US are probably going NKR. AKGA lost almost half its membership in 2011, plummeting to only 199 breeder members as of February 15, 2012. There are good reasons for this.

In addition to the AKGA's unaffordable $50 registration fee, there are more serious concerns. In 2011, the AKGA Board decided (improperly, we believe) to block members' access to their DNA test information. The President's stated reason for doing this (recorded in the annual meeting minutes) was to discourage members from using other DNA testing services, so that AKGA could make more money. Essentially, they have taken our information hostage, with the intent of forcing us to use their services again in the future.

This is such a serious concern that we cannot recommend investing in AKGA registrations, under these circumstances. We trusted the AKGA with our money, only to find that now, they've blocked our access to the prior test information that we need in order to verify progeny via another testing service. We have been forced to re-test animals at great expense, and have resolved never to test another animal through AKGA. By contrast, the NKR has promised never to withhold our VGL numbers.


We do not do business with the IKGA, due to our concerns about their use of the potentially misleading term "fullblood." They also have so few members, and such low registration volume, that we don't think they are a viable registry.
Times have changed a bit though. The IKGA has more members now and I know alot of people with IKGA goats. The AKGA is losing members like crazy though. The NKR is the fastest growing Kiko registry and for good reason. I know several people that are leaving or are wanting to leave both the AKGA and the IKGA and go only to the NKR. Oh and imo the NKR is the nicest to work with. Always great people and very helpful and kind. The AKGA was a pain to work with. The IKGA is good though. The new registrar is great.
Oh and the NKR registrar used to be the registrar for the AKGA but also left for the NKR.