Farmer Connie
True BYH Addict
I am happy to be apart of this wonderful site!
I have been lurking in the shadows reading threads and such. It is nice to be able to tap into such a site as this and enjoy all the experiences and be able to share a few of mine as well.
We have a small hobby farm in Florida where we breed and raise Nigerian Goats. We have 16 wonderful goats whom are spoiled I am proud to say.
All tame and pretty much are fence friendly! Even our Buck. I will post tons of pics here shortly.
Also we breed and raise Swine. Full Berkshires, Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Duroc and X's of course.
We a having major trouble with rain and flooding the last couple of months. It is always breeding season with our pigs, so this Summer has been challenging and heartbreaking. Mother Nature sure is keeping us busy.
We also breed and raise Turkeys and Chickens. We have at any giving time approximately 100 to 150 chickens keeping me on my toes.
We sell eggs, chickens, turkeys and pigs as a supplemental income and not getting rich quick, but the bills get paid!
Here is a photo of my baby girl.. My Duroc Sow.. She is a sweetie!
I have been lurking in the shadows reading threads and such. It is nice to be able to tap into such a site as this and enjoy all the experiences and be able to share a few of mine as well.
We have a small hobby farm in Florida where we breed and raise Nigerian Goats. We have 16 wonderful goats whom are spoiled I am proud to say.
All tame and pretty much are fence friendly! Even our Buck. I will post tons of pics here shortly.
Also we breed and raise Swine. Full Berkshires, Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Duroc and X's of course.
We a having major trouble with rain and flooding the last couple of months. It is always breeding season with our pigs, so this Summer has been challenging and heartbreaking. Mother Nature sure is keeping us busy.
We also breed and raise Turkeys and Chickens. We have at any giving time approximately 100 to 150 chickens keeping me on my toes.
We sell eggs, chickens, turkeys and pigs as a supplemental income and not getting rich quick, but the bills get paid!
Here is a photo of my baby girl.. My Duroc Sow.. She is a sweetie!
Thanks for allowing me join the forum and I am looking forward to learning, sharing and taking a break from drenching out animal pens and enjoying this site..
Best regards,
Best regards,