High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
Our grand daughters love and cuddle the babies. They are told that the (insert animal here) is for meat and will be slaughtered. Until that time, we will feed, water, love and care for them to the best that we can to insure that they have the best life possible. The animal has one bad day.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
We had 3 boys and a girl who raised dairy goats. They would wait breathlessly to see if the kid was a buck or doe since the does add to the herd but bucks were sold young and cheap for meat. They resented the buck kids who cost money to feed and often barely paid for it in the sale price! With the sheep it was the opposite since the ram lambs would be wethered and bring money as market lambs in the auction. They learn the value of a dollar when their only pocket money comes from their livestock auction sales and show premiums.

On the other hand, we did have a few worried moments about teaching them that what you hunt and kill (even with an air rifle) has to be eaten by someone or something unless it was a predator. I took my kids to say good bye to an old horse belonging to a friend who had to go down due to crippling arthritis. As I gently explained to them what would happen so they could give him good bye hugs, the 5 year old asked "Will you have to eat him now?". As the teenage owner burst into years I realized we still had more work to do on the issue. :oops:
Later I told DH that we better explain better or I had fears of what might happen if either of us should die!

High Desert Cowboy

True BYH Addict
Sep 25, 2017
Reaction score
So I apparently can’t tell which animals are mine. I was at a friends yesterday and looking at how the triplet was doing. She’s happy and fat and docile, perks of being bottle fed. On the other side of the fence comes a fresh shorn sheep interested in what we’re doing and I commented that he’d gotten his sheep shorn and I was getting ready to do mine. His response was that he hoped it was alright that he got them done which confused the heck out of me. He pointed at that sheep and said “That’s your ram!” Ha haha poor Lambert looked so different I hadn’t recognized him. I assured him it was fine, one less thing for me to do. Lambert will be coming home soon, he’s been there for months but he’s getting fed and I don’t need him right now so neither of us is in a hurry. Plus now I’ve only gotta do 4 sheep, not 5.

Wehner Homestead

Herd Master
Nov 28, 2017
Reaction score
S Indiana
Reminds me of a story...one of my maternal great-grandfathers was an avid coon hunter. He had an awesome dog. I don’t recall the specific name but it was something like Beau so I’ll use that for the ease of telling the story. Well Grandpa was hunting Beau one night and lost him. They searched and searched without luck. Beau would often beat Grandpa home but he was really concerned when he didn’t return after several days. He was lamenting the loss to a friend when the friend, a fellow coon hunter, mentioned that a hound had shown up at his house but was painted green. He thought Grandpa should try hunting him and if he liked him, he could keep him to replace the one he’d lost. Grandpa finally relented. He hunted with the dog and when the friend asked how it had gone, Grandpa told him that no dog would compare to Beau. Grandpa enjoyed hunting and the green dog did well enough that Grandpa decided to let him stay. Grandpa continued to lament the loss of Beau and talk about how the green dog just didn’t quite measure up. Time passed and the green paint wore off. My grandpa’s friend had painted Beau green to play a trick on Grandpa. That happened when my grandmother was in her early teens. She’s in her late 70s now. That story was told often and even shared at Grandpa’s funeral. Despite the prank, Grandpa was overjoyed to have Beau “back” and received quite a bit of ribbing over the green dog not hunting as well as Beau despite it truly being Beau!


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Have a lot of animal "experiences".....but, never had a case of mistaken identity....as long as I could tell the difference between same animals of the same breed.....my Mom use to give "joke presents" at christmas, and 1yr she gave my Dad's sister a pair of hogs teeth from the hog slaughter in Nov that yr.....my aunt kept running around singing the song "all I want for christmas is my 2 front teeth".....it was talked about the rest of their lives.....:lol: