Lamb hypothermia help!


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
You could also make her a cave with a heating pad under her and blankets over and around her. Could even blow a hair dryer under the blankets if you need the extra warmth, just make sure to keep the head out of the blankets so she isn't breathing the hot air from the hair dryer.
That’s exactly what I would have advised.

I really appreciate your words, and I have to keep remembering that. This farming thing is really hard. I didn't know how much emotional currency it would cost when I started. I love these little sheep, but man, it's rough sometimes.

I am so sorry that your little one didn’t make it. I’ve lost little ones too. You are right about the emotional attachment, it hurts when we lose one. It just makes the birth of another lamb all the sweeter. I’ll take the hurt so I can have the joys. The joy and happiness my sheep bring me far outweigh the hurt of loss.

If you have another lamb you suspect is cold, quickest test is stick your finger in its mouth. If cold, go into overdrive with heating pad and hairdryer like @Kusanar described.

We had extremely cold weather for our area in February. It got down to minus six degrees and broke a 100 year record. I had 17 new lambs, including one that was born during the storm. Poor little thing always looked so pitiful, all hunched up like a cold chihuahua dog. I made her a sweater from a sleeve. I did the finger in her mouth test and it was always warm. But I stuffed her in my sweat hoodie, layered under a Carhart coat, for my body heat while I was outside doing chores anyway. She survived and thrived. Just to let you know that it does work, they do make it and I thought the picture would make you smile.


Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Sorry for the loss. No matter how long you do this, there's always pain. You lose some and it always hurts! But the love they give is what you have to use to move on to the next one. There are more goods than bad. We understand, we grieve with you. :hugs