Larsen Poultry Ranch - homesteading journey

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Auburn, CA
Hmm. Vanilla, Nutmeg and Juniper. Now I have to find where the duct tape was hidden so I can update the name tags.

Pepper and Frost had no fall offs that I saw tonight, Sage and Expresso finally had one that I saw. I was trying to multitask doing other chores when they were together but there were several stretches where I was out of eye sight and ear shot. I'm going to assume it's possible both pairs actually bred and wait it out. Calendars are marked for new year's bunnies. I am super excited to see what we get from Sage, some of the bunnies should have regular fur and some should be Rex fur. This is her first litter so I'll hopefully get to fill in some of her genotype.

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Auburn, CA
Obviously Santa needs to bring you a recording bunny cam.
I've already asked hubby about cameras for the property. Pretty sure it's on the to do list. I want to see how the animals are doing during the day, and help deter trespassing. I think I need to get some signs.

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Auburn, CA
It's not that I think we have trespassers, but I don't like not having a fence all the way around the property and I have no clue if people are coming on our property.

I'd like to get the property lines surveyed but I don't know how much that will cost. The neighbor to the east mentioned they might like to do a privacy fence along that property line, which we would be in support of, possibly could split the cost with them and put it directly on the property line. The neighbor to the north says that fence he put up, not sure if it's on the line or offset, but he did it to keep the previous tenant's horses from going on his property. He says he's got a ton of t posts and would be interested in working with us to get the rest of the property line fenced. Neighbor to the south says she put up the privacy fence on her side, and wants us to put up a fence facing it... so she can access both sides of her fence to make any repairs needed. I think two fences right next to each other is stupid and dangerous to animals who might get trapped between them. That side isn't completely fenced either, so need to know where the line is in order to fence.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
I'd like to get the property lines surveyed but I don't know how much that will cost.
A fair bit, and it will depend on if there are existing survey markers they can locate and work from. Do you have a survey map of the property? What are the approximate linear dimensions and how thick is the vegetation along the presumed lines? Definitely cheaper if they don't have to keep relocating the equipment. It is all based on time which included the drive time from the office to the property and back when I had the west line marked every 100' 2 years ago.

And when they are done, you might find that some of your neighbor's fences are on your property unless they had a survey done before they fenced.

Neighbor to the south says she put up the privacy fence on her side, and wants us to put up a fence facing it... so she can access both sides of her fence to make any repairs needed.
Yeah, not a brilliant thought. Maybe she could ask permission from you to repair her fences when necessary.

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Auburn, CA
Hubby says he found a stake with a ribbon on it at the north east corner, but don't know if that's actually the corner, or an official stake. The whole lot is a big rectangle, long sides (north and south) are 1,319 feet and short sides (east and west) are 345/346 feet, according to the assessor map on the county website. It has a N and W reading on it, wonder if I can get my phone to cooperate and show rough coordinates.

I might be able to reach out to the neighbors on each side and get permission to pen the goats up temporary along the property line on both sides to make sure the brush is removed. Need to get the goats here first.. It's going to be fun clearing the zone with PO everywhere. I wonder if I can get my brother's Kubota tractor and just drive along the property line zone to clear it..


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
It sounds like you have two good neighbors and one that is sorta so-so. If that lady's fence is on the property line, then she can move her fence back if she wants an alley so she can get to the other side of it. Why should you lose part of your land?

Our property backs up to a 1,000 acre game ranch. It is high wire fenced and the fence is offset 4' from the property line. Then there is woven wire laid on the ground and hog ringed to the bottom wire of the fence to keep varmits and neighborhood dogs from digging in. It goes without saying that we couldn't tie onto his fence, that would be trespassing. We ran our own fence on the property line. Our fence is 2"x4" non climb horse wire. There has been no animal that got between the fences.

By all means, get it surveyed and get a good fence up. Money is a factor, you may have to do a little at a time.

Here is a link to when we built our fence. We made mistakes and there is some very good discussion on that. LOL I used 12' and 16' gates and wish that I had used more 16' gates. Please start a thread in the fencing forum and post what you do, with pictures. It is a learning tool for others. Eventually, SOMEBODY will build the perfect fence! LOL LOL

Non-Climb 2"x4" Horse Wire Fence | BackYardHerds - Goats, Horses, Sheep, Pigs & more

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Auburn, CA
We are starting to get wire now, we bought one roll of 2"x4" no climb horse wire, 48"? tall and 200' long. It was the last roll they had, I think we might need to order it next time. We have a handful of t posts but used more than I thought we would on the garden zone. Need to walk the property this weekend in the daylight and figure out where everything is going to go.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
A stake with a ribbon may or may not have been put in by a surveyor but in any case isn't something that can be used as an official reference for future marking. However, it might be marking the official pin which is usually not sticking out of the ground much so the flag stick makes it easier to find. If you find a metal rod or rebar, often with a pink or orange cap, in the ground near the stake, that is an official survey mark.