Larsen Poultry Ranch - homesteading journey


Herd Master
Nov 18, 2019
Reaction score
Idaho panhandle 48th parallel
Several other pieces have bent and cracked as well. Gorilla tape to the rescue for this winter. Sadly you can not buy replacement parts. I'll see if I can insert some home made dowels to "repair" the bent and broken parts in the spring.

We must have bought ours when they were made of heavier stuff. No bending or cracking on ours, even when the rain pooled and then froze into a massive ice cube that I could barely push off. I had to get up on a ladder and push with my back to get it up and over the wall tube.
After that is when I used the rope to help it shed rain.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Too bad they went cheaper on the pipe. Probably one of those "raise the price or put less in the package" things. I'd rather they raise the price!

I did run some rope on part of the "roof" though I don't know how much it helps given the "top plates" are not at the top of the connectors and the rope isn't all that tight. I think I'd need something like turnbuckles to get it tight enough to not sag under load.

Fortunately, at least so far, I've not had a problem with snow load. I have an old dust mop inside the carport that I just push up against the tarp roof starting down near the "top plate" and the snow starts to slide. Often that gets the stuff higher up moving so a lot of it slides off pretty easily from each "section" of the roof.

I have their place ready, other than digging the holes.
Which might have to wait until the ground thaws in the spring.


Herd Master
Nov 18, 2019
Reaction score
Idaho panhandle 48th parallel
Fortunately, at least so far, I've not had a problem with snow load. I have an old dust mop inside the carport that I just push up against the tarp roof starting down near the "top plate" and the snow starts to slide. Often that gets the stuff higher up moving so a lot of it slides off pretty easily from each "section" of the roof.
I used the back side of a garden bow rake. Same method. Sometimes I pulled it off from outside, but if it's not too deep and heavy the push from inside works well.
Which might have to wait until the ground thaws in the spring.
I'm not sure our ground is frozen very deep right now as it is. But no matter, because they won't ship until it's planting time here. I ordered them last October hoping to get them in before the ground froze, but they delayed the shipping until spring. That's fine, except I'm usually a little like a headless chicken running around here that time of year.

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Auburn, CA
Took Liberty to the regular vet Monday afternoon for them to remove the bandage and check it. As soon as her bandage was off, she tried to chew her foot! Had to have hubby hold her on the drive home as she wasn't leaving her foot alone. Then he was a big meanie and attached the cone to her collar so she couldn't pull the cone off. She is getting better learning how to maneuver with the cone and not hitting as many things now. Poor little cone head.

We managed to plant the last of the bare root trees as the sun was setting. It started raining last night so they should be well watered. Still haven't got the fence up yet, really hoping the deer continue to play nice, but they probably haven't chewed on the trees yet because there aren't any tasty green leaves yet.

Raining today and might continue into tomorrow. Supposed to have lows in the 40s today and then drop into 30s tomorrow, might have to put the frost cloths back out. Argh.

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