Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
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East Texas
I learned early in my unalienable right to the happiness of pursuit, not to try to dictate what any female chose to wear on or off the job Bruce.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
I wasn't suggesting YOU told her what to wear, just that you hired the ones who dressed that way ;)
All in jest of course.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
So my son and his family left this morning for their road trip back home to Vegas. Had a great visit and sure was happy they came. Didn't get the fencing finished, but did get all the wood posts sunk, which was a huge help. If the D-in-law and grands hadn't been here we probably/might have gotten more accomplished, but that's fine! I am NOT complaining! The weather during their visit, up until yesterday, was really hot and humid so we spent time at the public pool with the kids, and doing other fun things. We also did a lot of property clean-up and had 2 nice big bonfires and when they were down to mostly coals, we raked a pile out away from the heat so the kids and DIL could make smores. The kids also had a blast with the goats. Their next visit will be around Christmas :)

So, I figure a day for me to catch back up on rest and I'll go back to working on fencing myself. When I went to TSC to pick up the wire to do the "H" cross bracing, they didn't have what I thought I needed... I ended up buying aluminum electric (hot) wire to use for the purpose. It wasn't as stiff or thick (smaller gauge) as what I was expecting to buy/use, and wasn't as stiff as the other wire (high tensile galvanized hot wire) they had, so I bought it hoping it would handle the strain of twisting to tighten it. @greybeard do you think that will be OK, or should I return it and get something else? Is there some specific wire that works better/best? I can call or drive a ways to check a different (better) TSC and see if they have what I need.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
Sure glad the visit went well, but it is a shame the weather couldn't have been a bit more comfortable. Our grandsons are returning home on Thurs this week....and with the break in the weather to last thru this coming wknd, it should allow for more outdoor time instead of "Pinging" off the walls inside....:)

JACB Dorper

Overrun with beasties
Jun 9, 2016
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Alberta Canada
Heel low:

You make me grin Joe. :D

Jul 28 2017 3 IMGP1613.jpg

Jul 28 2017 -
Some of the ovine gals eatin' Poplar leaves...because they're a flock ABOVE eating just ground grasses o_O

Tis always a three or four ring circus going on here... :celebrate

If'n family was suppose to speed up the process of extra circular dun goodun! :lol:

Any way we get our jobs done here is when Rick and I are left alone to it. Otherwise, the help is making more work like leaving some of the gates open (good intentions, just forgetful wandering about), zapping themselves on the ele netting (after being told to stay away from the sheep!), eyeing up my plantings hoping I'll dig up a near full grown shrub and send them home with them (we have a nursery a short walk down the road that is screaming for biz!). Then because we DO live in the middle of nowhere...all the extra cooking and clean up--good ol' bed and breakfast, lunch, dinner and living is a hungry existence! Nope, no company to help...just visiting is fine but one could while away the ENTIRE summer (aka CONSTRUCTION here) entertaining the COMPANY... Cripers...but no harm done past we are all getting longer in the teeth, eh. :old

By the by, I have used that aluminum wire here a bit...seems to stand up and with my old paws, it does bend and cut pretty slick; seems to work & last...for as long as we've been fencing (since 1998).

Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Thanks so much Tara :hugs I'm pretty sure they'll be just as happy to be home and sleeping in their own beds once again ;) Really was a great visit :D

Nice to hear that the aluminum wire will indeed work. I made a mental note that I would use a double wrap of it on each brace run, just to be sure it would be strong enough. :)


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
I ended up buying aluminum electric (hot) wire to use for the purpose. It wasn't as stiff or thick (smaller gauge) as what I was expecting to buy/use, and wasn't as stiff as the other wire (high tensile galvanized hot wire) they had, so I bought it hoping it would handle the strain of twisting to tighten it. @greybeard do you think that will be OK
Dunno..I never used it.
What's the stated tensile or breaking strength on it?
I never use anything that's weaker than the wire I'm stretching.

JACB Dorper

Overrun with beasties
Jun 9, 2016
Reaction score
Alberta Canada
Heel low:

Thanks so much Tara :hugs I'm pretty sure they'll be just as happy to be home and sleeping in their own beds once again ;) Really was a great visit :D

Nice to hear that the aluminum wire will indeed work. I made a mental note that I would use a double wrap of it on each brace run, just to be sure it would be strong enough. :)

Family visits tire out all parties...but oh the JOYs...too much good times and need a nap? :confused:

I suspect you do get use to being the King of your own you can throw your underwear about the house and nobody will know except for maybe dogs like Mel...but he's sworn to secrecy...what happens on the place stays on the place...right? :eek:

Crap...don't return the wire Joe as having some is useful, but I found out you rightly need high tensile, eh!

Man alive I wish we were as close geographically as we are on The Net...sigh. I originally wanted to perimeter the place in high tensile electrified...ZAP, ah but our first summer here and all the lightening strikes and power outages proved that was not too doable. Our generator system would have had to have automatic switching to pick up when the power company let us down. The first year there was like a dozen outages...some from storms but many we know not why...bills still expect to get paid on time though even when the service was interrupted? HUH? Could not afford to have our livestock meandering on the highway beside us or Wiley E. making a visit, eh. Grrr....

I'd gladly give you a roll as we have like seven or so rolls of high tensile stored in one of the tractor trailers and I'm never gonna go thru that much high tensile. Still used some but as a physical barrier as in unpowered topper wires to slow down the outside leapers. :D

Aug 01 2017 IMGP1883.jpg

Cross brace and thar's the high tensile wire in play

Trouble was I could not contact Rick to know for sure so I went out for clicks and yup...high tensile is what was used! Granted it has been a few decades since we perimeter fenced & maybe it was MY turn to ramble on yer thread, eh?? LOL Sorry... :(

Rick put in some wood slats, so one may wobble by and give the corners fence and cross braces a few twists to keep it tight.

Dunno..I never used it.
What's the stated tensile or breaking strength on it?
I never use anything that's weaker than the wire I'm stretching.

I think more the issue would be the aluminum wire you would want wire that does not stretch as much out over time. I have battled (scars to prove I lost!) with the high tensile and it seems brittle, strong but brittle and once bent or kinked...prone to busting there if it ever lets go. Not a compatible bendy wire...but it is not designed for that now is it! :\

Aug 01 2017 IMGP1907.jpg

Here it is used as part of our grounding wire system ...
7 foot ground stake, clamp and fasteners
High tensile wire snaked between

Aug 01 2017 IMGP1903.jpg

You don't want any of your herd or flock members to be driven by a storm
to bunch up along the fence, lightening hits and harms them
We use ele netting and I use the perimeter fence very often as ground
Not sure how many times one wakes up and figures..."Let's do the ground staking today!" but we chose to do it during our fencing bees...get her done and forget about it. Rocky river bottom, got lots of soil but in places, holy :ya, it was hard putting the stakes in the ground. Did it and happy for it.

Aug 01 2017 IMGP1899.jpg

Also used the high tensile as two strands above the page wire to keep
the deer and predators from visiting too easily
over the top of the perimeter fences​

I finally got ahold of Rick (works out in the Boonies, eh!)...he said he used high tensile not the stretch aluminum wire (which my photos show). That aluminum wire is for me and my ongoing fencing projects. Hee hee... :lol: Working on aluminum toxicity (symptoms similar to Alzheimer's disease--dementia and forgetfulness...maybe it's working??) perhaps?

"Here, don yer aluminum hat and get shelterbelt planting??" o_O

Forever happy in my own little world?? :lol:

Aug 01 2017 IMGP1914.jpg

The aluminum wire is good at wrapping and twisting
securing for welded wire to t-posts or rebar fencing

Shall I tell you to wear gloves when working with it... :hugs


Speaking about ridged unforgiving wire...
Premier (nfi) sells these heavy thick wire hinges and they make
a pretty slick gate, that or missing links work swell​

I don't want to steer you wrong Joe. I do have that alum wire for securing fencing to posts and odds & sod repairs. You are never done fencing...are we? :lol:

Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
You and your son got the HARD posts in Joe! I found stretching, even though I did it alone, to be a lot easier than setting those wood posts. And T-posts aren't too bad ... if you don't hit big rocks ;) You and your son's bodies are probably better off not overdoing it given the weather!

Not sure I would trust aluminum wire for brace work. You gotta get that pretty tight. Did you ask if they had brace wire at TSC or when they will have some in? At my TSC they keep it out with the rolls of field fencing.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Yeah... I think I'm going to return the aluminum wire and look for the right stuff. I asked specifically for brace wire and they said all they had was the electric wire selection. :( I have time as this week looks to be cooler days (nothing above high 80s all week). First I need to cut/fit/physically attach all the "H" cross members. There are no big rocks to speak of here that I've found... I'm on primarily sandy loam soil and iron clay. Driving the T-posts isn't too difficult and they ease right in, just time consuming. Digging those wood post holes (we used an auger) was a royal PITA though. There's no way we could have gotten them all done with just the clam shell diggers. The soil is/was dry and packed as hard as a rock. Though we did use the diggers to finish each hole. We really need some rain here. Supposed to maybe have some tomorrow into Wednesday :fl

My son said he'd help me fence in the next 2 pastures when he comes at Christmas. :D No heat & humidity then to hold us back.
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