Chillin' with the herd
Hi everyone,
This spring, I was getting our girls onto fresh pasture slowly, a little bit more each day. The last day, I accidentally let them have too much. Our saanen (who tends to pig out when given the chance) got scours for a day, presumably from eating too much fresh grass. I am pretty sure it isn't worms because she had been tested just before kidding and she had none.
Since getting scours (maybe a week ago?), she has had a low appetite for grain. Usually she'll eat everything she can get and then some. We've been feeding Green Mountain 16% dairy rations (pellets), though we're looking to switch to a new brand with mostly whole grains.
Any ideas what happened to her appetite? She still eats plenty of hay and grass -- just very little grain. (She's eating less than 2 cups per day instead of 4+.)
This spring, I was getting our girls onto fresh pasture slowly, a little bit more each day. The last day, I accidentally let them have too much. Our saanen (who tends to pig out when given the chance) got scours for a day, presumably from eating too much fresh grass. I am pretty sure it isn't worms because she had been tested just before kidding and she had none.
Since getting scours (maybe a week ago?), she has had a low appetite for grain. Usually she'll eat everything she can get and then some. We've been feeding Green Mountain 16% dairy rations (pellets), though we're looking to switch to a new brand with mostly whole grains.
Any ideas what happened to her appetite? She still eats plenty of hay and grass -- just very little grain. (She's eating less than 2 cups per day instead of 4+.)