Low Carb/Keto Recipe Thread


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia



This is a mortal sin- the mention of THAT ..... how does a dairy goat breeder even mention those words.
I thought my night was bad after discovering my coffee maker broke... thought I'd cheer myself up while reading this cool thread .
And then.
I saw that. :(:(:(

As a milk tester and supporter of REAL MILK products, can I like this post 100 times!!!!!?????


Herd Master
May 7, 2013
Reaction score
Geeze Louise people! :lol: I GET IT!!!!

If you read a couple more posts you would see that I didn't USE the almond milk just posted the recipe as I found it.:hide I used half and half because I'm not milking goats right now! But will start any day now - I finally have a doe in milk. It's only been since mid November, but I am in REAL MILK withdrawal! :(


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
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East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
@Devonviolet What about monk fruit as a swweetner?
I am not a fan of any of the “zero calorie” sweeteners on the market today. The only one that I will use is the green stevia, that comes from raw, dried stevia leaves, and I only add just enough in my tea, to give a hint of sweetness in teas, that need it.

Monk fruit is in the same category as the other zero calorie sweeteners, in that they are all basically a sugar alcohol. Every Monk Fruit, that I found on Amazon.com, had erythritol (which is a sugar alcohol) in them. In my opinion, while they are touted as “GMO free” and “natural”, they are sugar alcohols, which are not really food, but are a chemical. I personally can’t have ANY sugar alcohols, because they give me migraines.

I consider myself, like the canary, in the coal mine - as do many who have a condition called MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity). After being exposed to toxic chemicals, over the years, our bodies begin reacting when exposed to levels of chemicals, that may not cause a reaction in others. However, since we do react and multiple exposures, have resulted in varying levels of chemicals.

We are like those canaries, that the miners took down into the mines, to protect themselves from the deadly gases that seeped through the cracks in the rocks. When exposed to lower amounts of gas, the birds keeled over dead. That told the miners to get out quickly or die.

We with MCS, are sick from lower levels, of chemicals in our environment, especially food and air, should be a warning to those of you who have not gotten sick, YET. The day may come that you, too, will be more sensitive to those chemicals (i.e. artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols), and you too will also get sick from them.

Okay, I’ll get off my bandwagon. Back to your question about Monk Fruit:

I have read - but cannot say definitively - that even though artificial sweeteners are zero calories, low or zero on the glycemic index, and have no carbs, they are still not good to use on a low carbohydrate diet, as the body still “reads” them as sweet and therefore, they can cause the blood sugar to rise, as if you have eaten carbs. I can’t verify this, but from the research I have seen, it sure makes sense.

I have also seen research, about the use of artificial and zero calorie sweeteners, that says that they are all bad for use by diabetics, as they can make the body think it has had sugar and the blood sugar goes up. To what extend, I do not know, though.


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
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East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
One other thought, while on the subject of raised blood sugar. I haven’t done much research on the subject. But I have read that (zero calorie, zero carb) black coffee, without sugar, can raise the blood sugar a bit. That is why you can’t even drink a cup of black coffee before having blood labs done in the morning.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
I tried making a almond and coconut flour brownie in a mug last night. :sick It was disgusting. :tongue I won't be posting the recipe. :old Somethings are just better with flour and real sugar. :\

@Devonviolet is the only person I know that makes a gluten free brownie that she calls a peppermint pattie, and it is delicious! But it has real sugar, so is off my list right now. :(

DH and I went to the dance with bread, cakes, pastries, pasta, sugars of all types and all the other high carb goodies dripping with temptation, tickling the tongue and a delight to the senses. We liked them so much, that we stored them around our middles to savor later. However, since we liked the goodies so much, we continued to eat them and never got around to burning off the stored-eat-it-later pile of fat. It has been a slow, sneaky process, we didn't pile up that fat in a week or two. We have been working at this for some time. Sure, we could see the fat creeping up, but chose to push that picture out of our minds and instead focus on that plate of shrimp fettucini alfredo with French garlic bread.

So now, we are 15-20 pounds past where we want and need to be. The dance is over, we sent the band home and we are coping with a AM radio with scratchy static. And NO brownies!:hit

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
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Southern Middle TN
I was experimenting combining bits from a couple of recipes to make some bread that fits Teresa's needs. This one is a winner and tastes similar to O'Charley's dinner rolls.
I didn't flatten it out since I only made a little more than a third of the recipe just to test it for taste.

Awesome taste along with a texture that will make a good pita type bread or tortilla with some flattening out.

Flatbread Recipe
  • 1 1/4 cup mozzarella cheese
  • 1/2 cup almond flour
  • Pinch of salt, optional(I sprinkled some garlic salt over the top when it was finished baking)
  • 1 ounce cream cheese
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line large baking sheet with parchment and set aside.

In large bowl, place mozzarella and almond flour. Break cream cheese into small pieces and place into bowl. Microwave bowl for 1 minute, or until all ingredients are melted and easily mixed.

Using spoon or rubber spatula, mix ingredients until ball forms. Wet hands with a bit of water and pick up dough ball. Form it until smooth and all ingredients are fully combined.

Use a knife to cut dough ball into 4 even sections.

Re-wetting hands when necessary (prevents sticking) press each dough ball out into flat circle, about 5-6 inches in diameter. You may do this in hands or on baking sheet, whichever is easier.

Bake for 12-14 minutes or until flatbread begins to turn golden brown. They may puff up a bit, that’s ok.

Keep warm for serving. (Stacking and covering with a towel will work)

If your dough is too stiff or will not spread, it may be too cold. Place it back in the microwave for 5-10 seconds and it should be easier to spread.

Flat bread low carb low cholesterol.JPG


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA