Overrun with beasties
Ok, I'm sure I'm in the minority here, but here goes...
IMO, the "organic" label at the store is just a load of BS. There's not enough monitoring going on to ensure anything at this point. I visited a poultry house (egg-producing) and this is what I observed: chickens in cages laying eggs that went down a chute onto a conveyer belt and into the sorting process...where the SAME eggs from the SAME chickens were put into cartons of "regular eggs," "organic eggs," "free range eggs," and even "vegetarian eggs." So think about it before you buy the $5/dozen eggs (if you buy store eggs).
Being organic on your own farm is entirely different, but just thought I'd share my opinion about it in general. Don't hate me!
IMO, the "organic" label at the store is just a load of BS. There's not enough monitoring going on to ensure anything at this point. I visited a poultry house (egg-producing) and this is what I observed: chickens in cages laying eggs that went down a chute onto a conveyer belt and into the sorting process...where the SAME eggs from the SAME chickens were put into cartons of "regular eggs," "organic eggs," "free range eggs," and even "vegetarian eggs." So think about it before you buy the $5/dozen eggs (if you buy store eggs).
Being organic on your own farm is entirely different, but just thought I'd share my opinion about it in general. Don't hate me!