Herd Master
Hi all! So, we’re still having issues with our one goat, Busty, making too much milk for her triplets. She gets engorgEd, and is sometimes not able or willing to nurse. I followed different advice on just milk her a tad and then put the kids to her, to milk her out a lot twice a day, etc. We ended kind of going with our gut right now based on her actions. She hates it all. We milk her as much as she will allow, and let the kids nurse. She’s definitely feeding them without our help, but, she needs relief from the milk. And they come scurrying over when we put her on the stand. She lays down, she cry’s, etc. yes, we feed her, etc. Anyways. We bought a milk machine. A pretty cheap one on Amazon, but it said it was amazon’s choice. It had the exact same description and picture as the more expensive ones. Anyways. We’ve used it three times. We get her flowing first. It seems first..nothing happens. Then, it’ll flow great...super for like, a minute. Then peter out. I’m too scared to do it by myself. Chris basically massages her udder while its going to make the milk flow. The whole time I’m on edge beca she’s not happy. Nothing much comes out, after 10 minutes, we give up, hand milk and then let the kids nurse. We always start the machine before we put it on now. Th3 first few times we didn’t, and it was harder. Any ideas?