Mini Nubian not acting like a kid


Just born
Mar 10, 2024
Reaction score
We got 2 bottle baby mini Nubians that are now almost 2 weeks old. One buckling and one doeling. Mom had rejected them but the farm was able to give both colostrum. The buckling acts like what you would think a normal goat kid would act (hopping, jumping and running around). The doeling does not hop, jump or run. She eats fine and has good suckling. She has no problems peeing or pooping and calls out for her brother when she can’t see him. She does walk around and follows her brother but sometimes her back legs splay out and she falls down. She does have a little trouble getting back up and sometimes gives up trying like she doesn’t have the muscle to do it. When she does this we help her get back up and she will continue walking around.
Has anyone else seen this in their bottle babies? I’ve looked up symptoms and she doesn’t really have the major ones that selenium deficiency or floppy kid syndrome have.
I don’t think it’s an issue with the milk replacer because her brother continues to thrive.
Thoughts and help is appreciated.


Herd Master
May 7, 2013
Reaction score
The first thing I'd do would be to take that baby's temperature. If she has a temp, and I hope she doesn't, you might want to consider getting a vet involved. With her muscle weakness I'd go ahead and give her a bit of selenium. You can get a Selenium and Vit E gel from most farm/feed supply stores. If not, Jeffers carries it. If I see any signs of weakness in a newborn I'll give them some.

Hope she improves for you!