Ridin' The Range
Hey guys !
I brought home new goats (3 does,and a little doe kid) and a beautiful HUGE (buck) to my original other 3 does. I got the new ones all from my mom ,closed herd healthy ect. from colorado to my place in Missouri.
Everything has been great ,no health problems or anything soo far (its been almost 2 weeks). The buck has bred almost everyone already! yay!
My Primadonna ,spoiled bottle baby,(1.5 years old,never bred before) original goat is singling herself out.
She wont go near the new goats to sleep, butts them all away,wont go into the shed (which is PLENTY big enough)
-she is not sick
-she is eating
BUT i noticed the buck really dislikes her also? he doesn't mess with any of the other does aggressively but he SLAMMED her all evening one night before he bred her sister.
then i noticed this morning that he had been on her --she finally had an icky tail ,swollen vulva ,dirty sides from him ect. they laid together and he didnt chase her "off" all day.
fast forward to tonight...right now. ..
POURING down rain, lightning ,wind. and she wont go in the shed. we even went out and MADE her go in there soo she doesn't get sick and soaked ...nope ! she is out again standing in it. has anyone else had this problem??? the buck has singled her out , and SHE singles herself out. also ive never seen this before and worried she is going to get sick from standing all night in this!!!
thanks for any input!
I brought home new goats (3 does,and a little doe kid) and a beautiful HUGE (buck) to my original other 3 does. I got the new ones all from my mom ,closed herd healthy ect. from colorado to my place in Missouri.
Everything has been great ,no health problems or anything soo far (its been almost 2 weeks). The buck has bred almost everyone already! yay!
My Primadonna ,spoiled bottle baby,(1.5 years old,never bred before) original goat is singling herself out.
She wont go near the new goats to sleep, butts them all away,wont go into the shed (which is PLENTY big enough)
-she is not sick
-she is eating
BUT i noticed the buck really dislikes her also? he doesn't mess with any of the other does aggressively but he SLAMMED her all evening one night before he bred her sister.
then i noticed this morning that he had been on her --she finally had an icky tail ,swollen vulva ,dirty sides from him ect. they laid together and he didnt chase her "off" all day.
fast forward to tonight...right now. ..
POURING down rain, lightning ,wind. and she wont go in the shed. we even went out and MADE her go in there soo she doesn't get sick and soaked ...nope ! she is out again standing in it. has anyone else had this problem??? the buck has singled her out , and SHE singles herself out. also ive never seen this before and worried she is going to get sick from standing all night in this!!!