Personality Changes In Pygmy Wether


Loving the herd life
Jun 16, 2019
Reaction score
Southwestern Montana
Hey y'all, I have something I need to talk to you about regarding Jimmy (you all remember him from recent threads, right? If you haven't heard about him, he's the brown Pygmy Wether in my profile picture). He used to be super sweet, he loved our dog, but now he is a ride little [BLEEP]. I guess it's been going on for a while now, but I really noticed it today when every time somebody came close to touching him or did touch him, or if our dog Gunner was near, he just went all John Cena and tried to rear up and whoop everybody (well not exactly, but the next slightest level down from my description). Is something frustrating him or is something else happening?


Herd Master
Dec 19, 2009
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North Central Texas
Is Jimmy rearing up on his hind legs and looking like he wants to head butt you? Is he head butting you? If so he needs a prolonged lesson in manners. It sounds like Jimmy has forgotten who is head goat (that is you, by the way).

If he was my goat, the next time he displayed antisocial behavior I would flank the boy and hold him until he stops wiggling and at the same time remind him who is in charge (that is you, not he) and he would be much happier being a good boy. Sit on him if you need to. You ARE NOT hurting him. He needs to know who is boss (that is you).

Position yourself to be at his side, reach under him to the opposite feet and pull up. The lad should land on his side (flank) and be quite upset. Hold him until he is still. Repeat as needed. With my Nigerian boys, even the intact ones, and it usually worked the first time. Goaties need boundaries and Jimmy is testing his in a way that will provoke an outcome he can not imagine.

Please keep us posted on how you are doing with Jimmy.


Loving the herd life
Jun 16, 2019
Reaction score
Southwestern Montana
Is Jimmy rearing up on his hind legs and looking like he wants to head butt you? Is he head butting you? If so he needs a prolonged lesson in manners. It sounds like Jimmy has forgotten who is head goat (that is you, by the way).

If he was my goat, the next time he displayed antisocial behavior I would flank the boy and hold him until he stops wiggling and at the same time remind him who is in charge (that is you, not he) and he would be much happier being a good boy. Sit on him if you need to. You ARE NOT hurting him. He needs to know who is boss (that is you).

Position yourself to be at his side, reach under him to the opposite feet and pull up. The lad should land on his side (flank) and be quite upset. Hold him until he is still. Repeat as needed. With my Nigerian boys, even the intact ones, and it usually worked the first time. Goaties need boundaries and Jimmy is testing his in a way that will provoke an outcome he can not imagine.

Please keep us posted on how you are doing with Jimmy.
I made a thread about how Jimmy always has his legs out to his side, he might be too stable, but I will give it a shot. If it doesn't work, any backup ideas?


Herd Master
Dec 19, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Texas
Jimbo is trying to make you think he is in complete control. Your job is to convince him that he is drastically mistaken. No, you don't take the baseball bat to the fellow, really, you may want to but don't.

If flanking the boy won't work for you, you will need to find a way to intimidate him to back down. Bear with me as I may sputter around trying to explain what my intent is... See when he rears up he is telling you he's hotel sierra (so to speak). What you need to convey is "not in this life or the after life chum." Catch him just as he is starting to rear up and walk briskly up to his chest to make him quickly back down to all fours. At the same time, verbally go Drill Sergeant on him telling him in your deepest, loudest voice that you are his god and he is to never forget it. Do this a few times and he should get the hint... by that time you can really see the gleam in his eye when the thought crosses his wee brain to test you. Never let him win this argument.

He is claiming all space as his and you moving quickly up to him should make him rethink his premise. Did this make any sense to you? You have to do this in a manner to make it clear to him you are not playing... it is not a game.

With my Nigi boys, If I get a hint of gleam in the eye that one is about to consider doing something rather stupid I shake my fist at him and move up to him. All of a sudden he finds something else incredibly important to do. Can't be having your goatie get all froggy on you... not good for discipline and order or harmony.

Please let me know how you and Mr. J are doing and if any of this works for you.


Loving the herd life
Jun 16, 2019
Reaction score
Southwestern Montana
I only just got back on BYH since awhile, just been forgetting to check in on this. The flipping him over thing is not working. He is too stable and I am an almost 12 year old who started farming when I was... 7? 8? I don't remember. I will try that backup technique, thanks, @animalmom!


True BYH Addict
May 4, 2019
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Whethers and Billies are prone to becoming over dominant. Though flipping him or trying to intimidate him are possible options I’ll tell you what I do. By watching how goats behave around each other I have developed a bit of a method if you will. If a goat is rearing up or aggressing you then walk towards him and push him a bit. Make a throaty barking, like hup hup, and make him walk or run away from you. Chase him until he turns and to his side or to face you, usually kind of crow hopping. Put out a fist and if the goat lays his ears back then push him with both hands and keep chasing him. Repeat until he taps the bottom of your fist when you offer. Then give him a treat or whatever. If he jumps on something high get him down safely. This may take a long time if he’s a stubborn goat but it works.

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